Critical Thinking Another Riddle! You’ll have one minute to Answer. No talking! No Cheating!
The Riddle The one who makes it sells it. The one who buys it is rarely the one who uses it. The one who uses it doesn’t know he’s using it.
The Answer A Coffin.
Goals for the Day I can classify sentences by structure using my knowledge of clauses. I can deconstruct an argumentative writing prompt, develop a position, and brainstorm specific evidence that could be used to support that claim. I can analyze how writers description as a mode to support their arguments.
Vocabulary Week 20 Reminder that your week 20 vocabulary quiz will be Thursday. Remember to continue to touch up on words regularly. The quiz will be on words from weeks 1-20.
Classifying By Structure
Classifying Sentences Individually, complete the formative. Review and practice with the Clauses packet as needed. Come to class on Wednesday with any questions you still have.
Argumentative Prompts Consider the argumentative essay you were asked to complete with the text “Eleven.” Let’s examine how different students supported their claim. The claim: Teachers have been given a great responsibility to teacher our future generation, and part of the responsibility is ensuring that all students have the opportunity to learn; therefore, teachers must ensure that each student’s voice is heard as they educate. The support: If teachers neglect certain students, those students might fall behind and struggle to succeed in the class. The support: One of my best friends is very shy and struggles to speak out during class even to ask questions. I have watched her struggle through many classes because teachers rarely call on her or ask her opinion; however, in one class she seems to thrive. In this class the teacher finds ways to bring her into the conversation. She asks her opinion, and my friend often has some really great points to make. In this class, I watch my friend smile. I see how comfortable she feels and how she is beginning to ask questions without prompting from the teacher. I’ve watched her grade sore and her self-esteem rise. But it saddens me to think my friend could have been like this in all of her classes if the teachers would only allow her to have a voice. Argumentative Prompts
AP Argumentative Prompt
Write Now Write an argumentative essay for the next 20 minutes. Consider the specific evidence we’ve discussed. Consider the various claims discussed. Consider the various modes we discussed that might work well. Consider various features of argument we’ve discussed in the past. You’ve had time to process this prompt, really focus on trying to just write for 20 minutes.
AP Argumentative Prompt In the following excerpt from Antigone, by the classical Greek playwright Sophocles, the wise Teiresias observes: Think: all men make mistakes, But a good man yields when he Knows his course is wrong, And repairs the evil: The only Crime is pride. Take some time to think about the implications of this quote. Then write a carefully reasoned essay that explores the validity of the assertion, using examples from your reading, observation, or experience to develop your position. AP Argumentative Prompt
Mode of Description Let’s begin by examining “The Best Pizza in the World” by Elizabeth Gilbert. What is the claim? How does the use of description support her claim? Why might description have been a better choice than other modes we’ve explored?
Mode of Description Let’s move into “Shooting Dad” by Susan Vowell. What is the claim? How does the use of description support her claim? Why might description have been a better choice than other modes we’ve explored? What types of claims seem to work well for description? Consider education topics that might lend themselves to description.
Homework Organize for the Sophocles argumentative prompt by filling out the graphic organizer and then considering various modes that might work best if you were to write the essay. Review clauses and classifying sentence structure as needed. Quiz coming soon. Reminder you can gain extra credit by completing all three Albert assignments before Friday. Begin preparing for an argumentative timed writing – coming soon!