Japanese Internment
Executive Order 9066- 2/19/42 “I hereby authorize the Secretary of War the right to prescribe military areas in such places and of such extent as he or the appropriate Military Commander may determine from which any or all persons may be excluded.”
Japanese American Internment Who was interned? Issei Nisei Sansei Only people from West Coast
Japanese American Internment Where did they go? Assembly Centers Internment Camps (“War Relocation Centers”) Controlled by WRA Located away from West Coast
When did the camps exist? 1942-1945 People started leaving the camps soon after they came NJASRC Loyalty Questionnaire
Loyalty Questionnaire Are you willing to serve in the US armed forces? Yes or No Will you swear allegiance to the United States and forswear any allegiance to the Japanese emperor? Yes or No
442nd Infantry