Climate change science NASA Earth Observatory A sea surface temperature map based on observations by the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) on NASA’s Aqua satellite. The satellite measures the temperature of the top millimeter of the ocean surface. In this map, the coolest waters appear in blue (approximately 2 degrees Celsius), and the warmest temperatures appear in pink-yellow (45 degrees Celsius). Landmasses and the large area of sea ice around Antarctica appear in shades of gray, indicating no data were collected.
Planets and atmospheres Planets and atmospheres. (2000). In UNEP/GRID-Arendal Maps and Graphics Library. Retrieved 16:29, July 21, 2009 from Planets and atmospheres. A planet's climate is decided by its mass, its distance from the sun and the composition of its atmosphere. Mars is too small to keep a thick atmosphere. Its atmosphere consists mainly of carbon dioxide, but the atmosphere is very thin. The atmosphere of the Earth is a hundred times thicker. Consider showing the animation called ‘Structure of the atmosphere’ at: This can take a little time to load but. Structure of the atmosphere
Collision heating by CO2 in the atmosphere Greenhouse effect. (2002). In UNEP/GRID-Arendal Maps and Graphics Library. Retrieved 16:20, July 21, 2009 from Greenhouse effect. Human activities are causing greenhouse gas levels in the atmosphere to increase. This graphic explains how solar energy is absorbed by the earth's surface, causing the earth to warm and to emit infrared radiation. The greenhouse gases then trap the infrared radiation, thus warming the atmosphere. Note that here it would be relevant to show the animation ‘Collision heating by CO2 in the atmosphere’ at: The animation shows a carbon dioxide molecule absorbing energy at two IR frequencies so that it vibrates with more energy in two ways. Collisions with nitrogen and oxygen molecules (shown when the box is ticked) shares the energy with other molecules in the atmosphere. Collision heating by CO2 in the atmosphere
Three main factors affecting the greenhouse effect Factors influencing the greenhouse effect. (2002). In UNEP/GRID-Arendal Maps and Graphics Library. Retrieved 16:44, July 21, 2009 from Factors influencing the greenhouse effect. There are three main factors that directly influence the energy balance of the earth: the total energy influx, which depends on the earth's distance from the sun and on solar activity; the chemical composition of the atmosphere, and albedo, the ability of the earth's surface to reflect light. The only factor that has changed significantly in the last 100 years is the chemical composition of the atmosphere.