Welcome to the Internet2 All Staff Meeting November 29, 2001
Holiday Party & All Staff Meeting Planning Team George Brett Bill Cerveny Barbara Gardinier Suzanne Gracey Karen Johnson Elaine Lauerman Barb Nanzig Susan Topol
Thanks to Tutorial Presenters! Louis Biely Adam Csillag Renee Frost Mike LaHaye Lee Perlis Angi Sizemore Emilie Stawiarski
Meeting Objectives Communication Plan for Change
Internet2 Mission “To develop and deploy advanced network applications and technologies, accelerating the creation of tomorrow’s Internet and to recreate the partnership among academia, industry and government that fostered today’s Internet in its infancy.”
Internet2 Goals Create a leading edge network capability for the national research community. Enable revolutionary Internet applications. Ensure rapid transfer of new network services and applications to the broader Internet community.
Agenda Welcome / Introductions John Kennedy Corporate Member Speaker Marv Adams University Member Perspective Cheryl Munn-Fremon Break Internet2 History Greg Wood VIMM Follow-on Opportunities & Plans Ted Hanss / George Brett Internet2 Strategic Plan Update Doug Van Houweling Lunch Business Updates Internet2 Financial Review & John Kennedy Operations Update Human Resources Topics Emilie Stawiarski IT Projects & Plans Mike LaHaye What is E2E Performance? Russ Hobby / Guy Almes Summary & Next Steps as an Organization Doug Van Houweling