Power Point Review Created by Kevin Bruce/ Used by Rana Alaouie


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Presentation transcript:

Power Point Review Created by Kevin Bruce/ Used by Rana Alaouie The ROUTE System Rooting Out Unfamiliar Terms Effectively   Common Core Critical Vocabulary Power Point Review Created by Kevin Bruce/ Used by Rana Alaouie

1 Abbreviate


brev = short brevity

2 vindicate


dic=to say dictation

3 abstinence


abs=away from abstain

4 reverence


ver=true verify

5 empathy


path(y)=feeling sympathy

6 digression


gress=to gather or bring together progress

7 demagogue


dem=people democracy

8 convergence

con ver

con=with or together ver=true verify

9 collaborate

col labor

col=with or together collect labor=work laboratory

10 circuitous


circ=around circular

11 adversity


vers=change diversity

12 adulation


lat=to carry translate

13 amicable


ami=love amiable

14 benevolent

bene vol

bene=good benefit vol=will volunteer

15 antagonist


ant=against defendant

16 anachronistic

ana chron

ana=back analogy chron=time chronological

17 fortuitous


For-before forecast fortune

18 hackneyed


ack=to admit acknowledge

19 hedonist


don=give donate

20 compassion

com pass

com =with or together completely pass=feel or suffer passion

21 discredit

dis cred 21

dis= not dislike cred=believe incredible

22 clairvoyant


voy= way or path voyage

23 aesthetic


thet= place or put hypothetical

24 inconsequential

con sequ

con =with or together construction sequ =order sequence

25 incompatible

com pat

com=with or together companion pat=feel or suffer patient

26 hypothesis


thesis= place or put prosthesis

27 jubilation

bi/bio lat

lat=to carry flatter

28 procrastination


tin=to hold or keep continuous

29 reconciliation


re =to go back rewind con=with or together construction

30 spontaneity


pon=to place or put ponder

31 sagacity


sag=wise sage

32 resilient


res=to bring back restore

33 submissive

sub miss

sub=under submit miss=send dismiss

34 censure


sur =under or beneath surrender

35 maritime


mar=sea marine

36 anecdote


an=toward or near another

37 venerable


ven =to come venture

38 surreptitious


sur =secretly surveillance

39 superficial

super fic

Super =above or over superior fic =to do or make fiction

40 pretentious


tent=stretch, strain extent

41 conformist


form=shape or resemble formation

42 substantiate

sub stant

sub = below subway stant = stand distant

43 subtle


sub=under submissive

44 tenacious


ten=to have or keep tenant

45 transient


trans=across transaction

46 condescending

con scen

con =with or together consider scen = old scent

47 extenuating


ten=to hold extension

48 reclusive


clus=to close or shut exclusive

49 rancorous


cor=heart coronary

50 scrutinize

cru tin

cru=to rise or grow accrue tin=to hold procrastinate

51 suppress


sup=under or below supervisor

52 novice


nov=beginner novel