J. Seeman Assistant Director for PPA/LCLS


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Presentation transcript:

J. Seeman Assistant Director for PPA/LCLS Overview of PEP-II Minimum Maintenance State and Deactivation and Decommissioning J. Seeman Assistant Director for PPA/LCLS July 8, 2008 SLAC Annual Program Review

SLAC Annual Program Review PEP-II e+e- Collider BaBarDetector HER RF 476 MHz LER RF 476 MHz Feedbacks Diagnostics 3.1 GeV positrons x 9 GeV electrons C = 2200 m July 8, 2008 SLAC Annual Program Review

SLAC Annual Program Review Beam Line Lengths HER = 2200 m LER = 2200 m HER injection line = 2300 m LER injection line = 2900 m Total length of beam line = 9600 m (6.0 miles) July 8, 2008 SLAC Annual Program Review

SLAC Annual Program Review Other components ~10 miles of cable trays ~200 miles of cable (typically 1 inch dia) ~7 miles of water distribution lines 15 klystron–cavity systems ~950 electro-magnets per ring (~1900) ~6 miles of vacuum chambers Thousands of supports July 8, 2008 SLAC Annual Program Review

SLAC Annual Program Review Sprinkler pipes Cable trays Fire sensors Lights Utility pipes Supports Vacuum chambers Magnets July 8, 2008 SLAC Annual Program Review

SLAC Annual Program Review B-Factory RF Klystrons C. Pearson July 8, 2008 SLAC Annual Program Review

SLAC Annual Program Review PEP-II RF Cavities PEP-II LER RF July 8, 2008 SLAC Annual Program Review

PEP-II Interaction Region (IR) Halls (six) July 8, 2008 SLAC Annual Program Review

PEP-II Power Supply Buildings (nine) July 8, 2008 SLAC Annual Program Review

SLAC Annual Program Review PEP-II dipoles in 1994 ready for installation (75 magnets shown) July 8, 2008 SLAC Annual Program Review

SLAC Annual Program Review Last years plan: Transition & D&D as presented at DOE Review August 2007 PEP-II was to turn off end of September 2008. Transition plan white paper (Spring 2007): Described transition from fully operational state to a minimal-maintenance state in FY09-FY10. Outlined major tasks and timelines for this transition. Extrapolated from existing PEP-II operational experience. Outlined scenarios for the dismantle and disposal phase that emerged from discussions with OS/HEP in early May 2007. Input to FY09 budget development, FY10-FY11 planning. D&D for PEP-II to start around FY2015. But PEP-II actually turned off early April 7, 2008! July 8, 2008 SLAC Annual Program Review

SLAC Annual Program Review D&D Review of August 2007 DOE committee at its review helped us define the issues (August 6-7, 2007). They made several executive recommendations: Suggested disassembly of PEP-II and BaBar to be done as quickly as possible, so knowledge is not lost. Suggested new bottoms up cost estimates to be made. Suggested that specifying the end state of demolition needs to involve SLAC, DOE, Stanford, and the City of Menlo park. July 8, 2008 SLAC Annual Program Review

Minimal Maintenance State (MMS) PEP-II Cooling systems for magnets, vacuum system drained and dried. Vacuum system vented and secured. RF systems, including power supplies, klystrons, cavities, circulators, and dumps drained and secured. Fire protection, tunnel lighting, water seepage system all maintained. Some electricity costs for lights, safety, & sumps. July 8, 2008 SLAC Annual Program Review

SLAC Annual Program Review PEP-II MMS FY2008 Actual Due to FY2008 budget realities, PEP-II MMS mostly delayed until FY2009. PEP-II tunnel is still under PPS (safety) control and tunnel locked. Both rings are still under vacuum. Control system is still running. Power supplies are off and secured. A few small items removed for LCLS and SPEAR-3. ILC ECI hardware in IR12 to be shipped to Cornell soon. RF system secured. Many requests for reuse of components. July 8, 2008 SLAC Annual Program Review

SLAC Annual Program Review July 8, 2008 SLAC Annual Program Review

PEP-II MMS FY2008 (Reduced recently) Actual FY2008 = ~ 600k$. July 8, 2008 SLAC Annual Program Review

SLAC Annual Program Review PEP-II MMS for FY2009 July 8, 2008 SLAC Annual Program Review

SLAC Annual Program Review PEP-II MMS for FY2010 July 8, 2008 SLAC Annual Program Review

SLAC Annual Program Review PEP-II MMS Power Costs Actual PEP-II power during operation = ~42 MW. Present PEP-II power (July) going towards MMS= ~1.8 MW. July 8, 2008 SLAC Annual Program Review

D&D depends on future users of PEP-II components Requests: LCLS: a few small parts: corrector power supplies, gate valves, vacuum gauges, wire scanners, … SPEAR-3: a few small parts: Loss monitors, streak camera, Bergoz position monitor electronics. PEP-X: Tunnel, 6 RF stations, support buildings, small magnets, e- injection line Super-B: All magnets, all power supplies, all electronics modules, 10 RF stations, all supports, all vacuum chambers Project X: Magnets with vacuum chambers for transport lines LBNL ALS : Chopper power supplies for ALS bends J-Lab: Electro-magnets for energy upgrade July 8, 2008 SLAC Annual Program Review

SLAC Annual Program Review PEP-X July 8, 2008 SLAC Annual Program Review

Super-B Lattice layout, PEP-II magnets reuse Lmag (m) 0.45 5.4 PEP HER - 194 PEP LER SBF HER 130 SBF LER 224 18 SBF Total 148 Needed 30 Total length 1800 m 280 m 20 m Dipoles Available Needed Quads Lmag (m) 0.56 0.73 0.43 0.7 0.4 PEP HER 202 82 - PEP LER 353 SBF HER 165 108 2 SBF LER 88 SBF Total 253 216 4 Needed 51* 134 Lmag (m) 0.25 0.5 PEP HER/LER 188 - SBF Total 372 4 Needed 184 Sexts PEP-II could provide 987 of 1390 magnets for Super-B. Dipole steering correctors would be another 642. July 8, 2008 SLAC Annual Program Review

SLAC Annual Program Review D&D Planning The FY2008 budget only allowed very little activity on D&D. It is not clear how the PEP-II tunnel and components will be dispersed and recycled at this time. There are several possibilities given the requests and future uses of the facility. For the next few years the D&D activities will concentrate on the planning process. MMS will keep the tunnel safe. Inventory all components. Assess the long term issues. Develop procedures Develop dispersal inventory controls and record keeping. July 8, 2008 SLAC Annual Program Review

SLAC Annual Program Review PEP-II D&D Planning July 8, 2008 SLAC Annual Program Review

SLAC Annual Program Review Conclusions PEP-II was turned off April 7, 2008. PEP-II has transitioned to a low cost state. About 5 FTEs on PEP-II now (July). PEP-II power = ~1.8 MW. Venting, draining magnets will be carried out starting (mainly) in October 2008, leading to the Minimum Maintenance State (MMS) Other projects are looking into reuse of PEP-II components and infrastructure. D&D planning will start in earnest in FY2009 July 8, 2008 SLAC Annual Program Review