Non-invasive viability assessment of day-4 frozen–thawed human embryos using near infrared spectroscopy  Carlijn G. Vergouw, Lucy L. Botros, Kevin Judge,


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Presentation transcript:

Non-invasive viability assessment of day-4 frozen–thawed human embryos using near infrared spectroscopy  Carlijn G. Vergouw, Lucy L. Botros, Kevin Judge, Mark Henson, Pieter Roos, E. Hanna Kostelijk, Roel Schats, Jos W.R. Twisk, Peter G.A. Hompes, Denny Sakkas, Cornelis B. Lambalk  Reproductive BioMedicine Online  Volume 23, Issue 6, Pages 769-776 (December 2011) DOI: 10.1016/j.rbmo.2011.08.015 Copyright © 2011 Reproductive Healthcare Ltd. Terms and Conditions

Figure 1 The relationship between the percentage of live births in relation to increasing viability scores, determined in the blinded analysis of 127 cryopreserved embryos (n=31 patients in lower quartile, n=32 patients in the upper three quartiles). P=0.02. Reproductive BioMedicine Online 2011 23, 769-776DOI: (10.1016/j.rbmo.2011.08.015) Copyright © 2011 Reproductive Healthcare Ltd. Terms and Conditions

Figure 2 The relationship between the percentage of live births in relation to increasing viability scores within compaction-stage and blastocyst embryos with the same morphological score, determined in the blinded analysis of 66 compaction-stage embryos (n=17 patients in the lower three quartiles; n=15 patients in the upper quartile) and 60 blastocysts (n=15 patients in each quartile). Reproductive BioMedicine Online 2011 23, 769-776DOI: (10.1016/j.rbmo.2011.08.015) Copyright © 2011 Reproductive Healthcare Ltd. Terms and Conditions