Section A: Question 1 B: Theoretical Evaluation of Production Genre: Critical Perspectives Exam Section A: Question 1 B: Theoretical Evaluation of Production
Media Concepts Narrative Representation Audience Media Language Question 1(B) requires candidates to select ONE PRODUCTION & evaluate it in relation to a media concept. You will focus on your Main Production The list of concepts to which questions will relate is as follows: GENRE * Narrative Representation Audience Media Language In the exam, questions will be set using one of these concepts.
QUESTIONS What is Genre? 2. What is the purpose of having Genre? 3. What are ‘Sub-Genres’ and ‘Hybrid Genres’? Discuss + Apply 4. What is your ‘Genre’ and why do audiences consume this content? Feedback 5. What Sub-Genre did you chose? What are the characteristics/conventions? Discuss and List
Genre: Audiences Audiences gain pleasure from the familiarity of recognisable elements in films. They know such films will fulfil certain expectations so genre can be used as a selection device (distinguishing films from one another). Therefore, genre can be seen as a language – codes and conventions recognised by audiences. Audiences have expectations about content and style of a text, according to its genre. This enables them to take particular pleasures in repetition, and of predicted resolution. Pleasure may also be drawn from differences. Audiences can select texts on the basis of genre, often because texts are arranged at retail outlets by genre.
Research Task Research 2 theories which relate to the genre of your main production. 15 minutes How can BOTH theories be applied to your Advanced Portfolio production? HAVE A GO! 2 paragraphs with EXAMPLES
Section A: Question 1 B: Theoretical Evaluation of Production Genre: Critical Perspectives Exam Section A: Question 1 B: Theoretical Evaluation of Production
Recap What theories can you apply to your production’s genre? Give at least TWO EXAMPLES Does your production CONFORM to or CHALLENGE genre conventions? Give FOUR EXAMPLES
Steve Neale: Familiarity with Innovation Genres depend on their ability to change or adapt in order to survive… if a film follows genre conventions too much, it can become too predictable. Steve Neale (1980) argues that pleasure is derived from ‘repetition and difference’ and there would be no pleasure without difference. We may derive pleasure from observing how the conventions of the genre are manipulated, we may also enjoy the stretching of a genre in new directions and the consequent shifting of our expectations. Genres emerged as a way of predicting and fulfilling audience expectation - giving the public what they want. If the genre gives you what you expect you will go away gratified, if it doesn’t, you will go away disappointed.
TASKS – EXAM PREP CONSTRUCT AN ESSAY STRUCTURE LEVEL 4 21-25 “Candidates demonstrate a clear understanding of audience and relevant media theory and can relate concepts articulately to the production outcome, describing specific elements in relation to theoretical ideas about how media texts are produced for and received by audiences in various ways. Candidates offer a broad range of specific, relevant, interesting and clear examples of how their product can be understood in relation to relevant theories of audience and reception. The use of conceptual language is excellent. Complex issues have been expressed clearly and fluently using a style of writing appropriate to the complex subject matter. Sentences and paragraphs, consistently relevant, have been well structured, using appropriate technical terminology. There may be few, if any, errors of spelling, punctuation and grammar”. CONSTRUCT AN ESSAY STRUCTURE INCLUDE: INTRODUCTION + THEORIES + CONCLUSION