Mobility and career development of professionals and managers Laura Coppin Tom Vandenbrande
Overview of the presentation 2006: European year of workers’ mobility P&MS in the EB mobility Geographic mobility (change of residence) Level and distance of geographic mobility Attitudes towards international mobility Experience with past long distance mobility Job mobility (change of employer) Attitudes towards job mobility Level of job mobility Voluntary vs. forced job hops Conclusions: the position of P&MS
2006: European year of workers’ mobility Mobility: a central issue in the European employment strategy Eurobarometer survey on mobility (EB64.1) European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditons September 2005 25 000 respondents, 25 MS
P&MS in the EB mobility P&MS: 1 902 respondents (17%) Managers (ISCO 1): 618 Professionals (ISCO 2): 1 284 Respondents in other occupations: 9 572 (83%)
GEOM: past moves (1) # of moves since leaving the parental home P&MS: 4.1 Other: 3.2 Average duration of stay in dwelling P&MS: 6.1 years Other: 6.7 years
GEOM: past moves (2) Distance of past moves: longer distances = larger share of P&MS (especially professionals)
GEOM: future moves Expected mobility in the next 5 years: P&MS: 34% Other: 28% Distance of expected moves: longer distances = larger share of P&MS to another EU country: P&MS: 5% ↔ other workers: 3% to another country, outside the EU P&MS: 4% ↔ other workers: 2%
Attitudes towards international mobility P&MS more positive attitude towards international mobility more convinced of the benefits of long distance mobility (for individuals, families, the economy, the labour market, European integration) more encouraging factors less discouraging factors less expected difficulties
Encouraging factors for international mobility P&MS more encouraged by local environment factors (discovering a new environment, having better weather) Social network related reasons more important for P&MS A higher household income and better working conditions more important for other workers
Discouraging factors and expected difficulties No.1 discouraging factor: missing support / direct contact with family or friends No.1 expected difficulty: lack of language skills P&MS: 44% Other: 60% P&MS more confident about finding a job P&MS: 30% Other: 41%
Past long distance mobility experience Motivation: new job or job transfer most important reason P&MS: 52% Other: 40% Effects: P&MS in general more satisfied about the outcomes of long distance mobility P&MS more satisfied about work and income related factors Housing conditions most important improvement (except for managers: work and income) Contact with family and friends most important deterioration (P&MS = other)
Attitudes towards job mobility P&MS more confident about their position on the labour market: agreement to “it is difficult to find a good job in our country” P&MS: 58% Other: 71% P&MS more positive towards job mobility: agreement to “changing jobs every few years is good for people” P&MS: 53% (P: 55% ↔ M: 48%) Other: 43%
Job mobility over the career # of jobs in the entire career P&MS: 3.8 (M: 4.0 ↔ P: 3.6) Other: 3.9 % of respondents who have never changed employer P&MS: 27% (M: 20% ↔ P: 30%) Other: 25%
Recent job mobility: the previous job hop (1) Lower share of P&MS experienced job mobility in the recent past Job hop in the last year: P&MS: 5% Other: 9% Job hop in the last 5 years: P&MS: 28% Other: 33%
Recent job mobility: the previous job hop (2) Professionals more mobile when making a job hop than managers & other workers (larger share with previous job in other region or country) Higher sectoral homogeneity (NACE 1-digit) between jobs among P&MS P&MS: 58% Other: 54%
JOBM: future job hops Professionals higher mobility expectations than managers and other workers Expected job mobility in the next five years P: 45% M: 35% Other: 41%
Voluntary vs. forced job mobility (1) Previous job hop Strong position of managers (and professionals) Forced for labour market related reasons (was made redundant, contract expired) M: 12% P: 18% Other: 26% Voluntary for labour market related reasons (didn’t like previous job, found a better job, created own business) M: 71% P: 59% Other: 50%
Voluntary vs. forced job mobility (2) Job mobility expectations Optimistic expectations among professionals Forced expected job mobility (will be made redundant, contract will expire) M: 16% P: 16% Other: 26% Voluntary expected job mobility (doesn’t like current job, will find a better job, likes change) M: 61% P: 71% Other: 63%
Conclusion Strong position of P&MS Long distance mobility: interaction: more (positive) experience & more positive attitudes & language skills Job mobility: positive attitude, not necessarily more mobility but better mobility