CFOA Performance & Improvement Directorate Tony John Policy Support Officer CFOA Performance & Improvement Directorate
Sector Led Improvement Setting the Pace: developing a framework for sector-led help suggested a new framework for self-improvement for local authorities in England Freedom to Lead: developing a new accountability framework how councils and their partners can be given greater freedom to respond to local priorities Freedom to Lead: Trust to deliver The “Offer” to Central Govt to from Local Govt
Sector Led Improvement - examples of improvement mechanisms within the wider public sector: National Police Improvement Agency (NPIA) The National College for Leadership of Schools and Children’s Services Social Care Network Department of Health -National Leadership Council
Sector Led Improvement Sector led improvement occurs when the constituent organisations within a sector take a collective responsibility to improve the aggregate performance of the sector through mutual review and support outside of their mandatory inspection regimes. -CFOA Performance & Improvement Directorate
Sector Led Improvement Requires explicit acknowledgement by the sector and a commitment to: Leading performance improvement Accepting that knowledge, expertise and resources within the sector must be shared to facilitate the improvement of others Accepting constructive criticism from within the sector to facilitate self improvement
Sector Led Improvement - critical success factors: Identifying early warning signs of difficulty Building trust and confidence Recognising the importance of, and sustaining, political ownership A clear support architecture with support enablers that provide a holistic improvement approach
Identifying improvement issues Place Surveys Soft intelligence Area assessment outcomes Operational assessment Peer review Self Referral Assessment or Audit Outcomes/trends Performance indicators benchmarking/ baseling Fire & Rescue Service Assistance and Assurance
Providing Assistance Self Referral Fire & Rescue Service Processes -business process reengineering -expert advice Performance -performance improvement measures -use of data, data analysis -quality assurance of data Products -available commercial, stakeholder and partnership solutions to specific functional issues Partnerships and Places -identify the support structures and enablers existing within the locality or from locally existing partnerships People -capacity building -professional development Fire & Rescue Service Assessment or Audit Outcomes/trends Performance indicators benchmarking/ baseling Area assessment outcomes Operational assessment Peer review Self Referral Place Surveys Soft intelligence Foundations of Improvement
Providing Assurance Self Referral Fire & Rescue Service Processes Assessment or Audit Outcomes/trends Performance indicators benchmarking/ baseling Area assessment outcomes Operational assessment Peer review Self Referral Place Surveys Soft intelligence Fire & Rescue Service Processes Performance Products Partnerships and Places People P&I Board - Intelligent client- Repository of knowledge of support enablers Employers: LGA – CFOA: Employees Biannual “state of the sector” report to the Fire & Resilience Programme Board
Continuous feedback- review-redrafting SLI Framework draft Continuous feedback- review-redrafting Consult within CFOA Members Sounding Board Dec 09 P&I Board Fire & Resilience Programme Consult other stakeholders Board for Approval CFRAU CLG AC FSMC Draft Implementation Plan Dec 09 - Jan Mar May Spring Conference Launch Apr