…………………….to conduct research and provide training that will contribute to the development of effective health and social services for vulnerable populations in the community.
Contributing to the Mission of the University of Ottawa – Canadas University. Production and transfer of research-based knowledge to community and government organizations and the public Professional development and training for University Faculty, students, postdoctoral fellows, CRCS staff and the community Ongoing Management of Research Centre Operations
Evaluation of Implementation and Outcomes of Looking After Children in Ontario's 52 Children's Aid Societies – Principal Investigator - Bob Flynn with the Child Welfare League of Canada, Ontario Association of Children's Aid Societies, Prescott-Russell Children's Aid Society Evaluation of Implementation & Outcomes of Looking After Children in Canadian Provinces & Territories Principal Investigator – Bob Flynn with Child Welfare League of Canada At-Risk Children & Adolescents, including Child Welfare
Investigating the Pathways in and Out of Homelessness – a Panel Study. Principal Investigators - Tim Aubry and Fran Klodawsky A Study of the Deaths of Persons who are Homeless in Ottawa – A Social and Health Investigation. Principal Investigator - Manal Guirguis-Younger Research Coordinator Vivien Runnels. Homelessness
Randomized clinical trial of intensive community support services for persons with severe mental illness Tim Aubry and Canadian Mental Health Association - Ottawa-Carleton Branch Evaluation of telephone-based crisis services Distress Centre of Ottawa and Region & Tel- Aide Outaouais Tim Aubry Community Mental Health
University of Ottawa Students – Honours, Ph. D. student practicums, theses, internships in Community Psychology. Teaching and Training in evaluation and research methods to community services and government bodies Training and development for community members, staff and students Opportunities for post-doctoral fellowship
Community program development through research and training Assessment of service needs Program evaluation of service processes, outcomes and costs Survey design and analysis Workshops on a variety of topics related to community services research and evaluation Social research studies at a variety of levels and complexity.
Directors: Dr. Tim Aubry and Dr. Robert Flynn Research Coordinator: Vivien Runnels M.Sc. Project Coordinators Academic Associates and Collaborators: The School of Psychology, Faculty of Social Sciences, Faculty of Education, Institution of Population Health, at the University of Ottawa Faculty of Human Science, Saint Paul University Department of Geography, School of Social Work Carleton University Community Services Contributors from Ottawa, and provincial and national bodies. Students: Honours, Masters and Ph. D. in Clinical Psychology Students: Research Assistants, Administrative Assistants
Centre for Research on Community Services Advisory Committee Community Advisory Committees for different projects Research Teams for different projects Community Health and Social Service Organizations Federal, provincial and local government departments
Looking After Children in Ontario: Results to Date Monitoring Outcomes with the Assessment and Action Record from Looking After Children Street Needs Assessment: An Investigation of the Characteristics and Service Needs of Persons who are Homeless and not Currently using Emergency Shelters in Ottawa Describing the Homeless Population of Ottawa - Carleton
Flynn, R.J., Ghazal, H., Legault, L., Vandermeulen, G., & Petrick, S. (2003) Using general population measures and norms to identify resilient outcomes among young people in care. Ottawa,ON. Centre for Research on Community Services. Flynn, R.J., & Robitaille, A. (2003) Satisfaction of children and youths in out-of-home care with their current placements. Ottawa, ON: Centre for Research on Community services, University of Ottawa. Flynn, R.J. & Vinograd, J. (2003) The influence of structured voluntary activity on psychosocial outcomes of youths in out-of-home care. Ottawa, ON: Centre for Research on Community Services Gill, M., Flynn, R.J., & Reissing E. (2003) The Governance Self- Assessment Checklist: An Instrument for Assessing Board Effectiveness. Ottawa, ON: Centre for Research on Community Services, University of Ottawa. Flynn, R.J., & Legault, L. Monitoring resilient outcomes with the Assessment and Action Record from Looking after Children. In K. Ernst, N. Trocme, and P. Dudding (Eds.) Proceedings of Canadian Symposium of Child and Family Services Outcomes. (Ottawa, February 2003) Legault, L., Flynn, R.J., Artz, S., Balla, S., Dudding, P., Norgard, V., et al. Looking After Children: Implementation and Outcomes in Canada. In V. Mann-Feder, (Ed.) Proceedings of International Child and Youth in Care Conference August, 2003, Victoria, BC.
Flynn, R.J., Lemay, R., Ghazal, H., & Hebert, S. (2003) A performance measurement, monitoring and management system for local childrens aid societies. In K. Kufeldt & B. McKenzie (Eds.), Child welfare: Connecting research, policy, and practice ( ) Waterloo: Wilfrid Laurier University Press. Farrell, S., & Aubry, T. (2003) Comprehensive Costing of Support Services for Vulnerable Populations: A Case Study. Canadian Journal of Program Evaluation, 17, Flynn, R.J., Aubry, T., Guindon, S.,Tardif, I.,Viau, M., & Gallant, A. (2003) Validation dune version francaise abregee du Outcome Questionnaire et evaluation dun service de counselling en milieu clinique. Canadian Journal of Program Evaluation,
Aubry, T., & Farrell, S.,(2003) Programmes de suivi communautaire: Mise a profit du soutien familial. In Emard, R. & Aubry, T. (Eds), Le suivi communautaire en sante mentale: Une invitation a se batir une vie. Ottawa: University of Ottawa Press. Aubry, T., Dostaler, T., & Baronet, A.-M. (2003) Revue des etudes empiriques sur l`efficacite du suivi communautaire. In Emard, R., & Aubry, T. (Eds.) Le suivi communautaire en sante mentale: une invitation a se batir une vie. Ottawa: University of Ottawa Press. Dostaler, T., & Aubry, T. (2003) Bibliographie detaillee sur le suivi communautaire en sante mentale. In Emard, R. & Aubry, T. (Eds.) Le suivi communautaire en sante mentale: Une invitation a se batir une vie. Ottawa: University of Ottawa Press.
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Academic growth Enhanced opportunities for students training Increased Research of benefit to the community Facilities supporting research, data collection, and analysis Increased knowledge dissemination and transfer activities Support Networks and development of researchers and staff Community Network development and provision of consultation services Public recognition for the development of research-based practices for providing services to vulnerable populations.