Bastogi, Benedetti, Frigerio, Nakaima, Nair, Patriarca Consumer Behavior Bastogi, Benedetti, Frigerio, Nakaima, Nair, Patriarca
Wear the beats
Segmentation Demographics: Psychographics: Age Young adults Gender Unisex Psychographics: Personality / Self-concept Unique and cool/sporty Lifestyle Innovators or early adopters for brand new tech products Lifestyle = a pattern of consumption
Positioning + Earphones Sunglasses
The function of attitudes The functional theory: Utilitarian function: multitasking Value-expressive function: cool, young & sporty The ABC model: Feel Do Think
How do marketers change attitudes? Level of commitment: Identification The Elaboration Likelihood Model: Peripheral route to persuasion
Motivation & Lifestyle (1) Hedonic needs Expectancy theory Desirable social outcomes Early Adopters/Late Adopters different needs Level of involvement Emotional Purchase drivers Instinct
Motivation & Lifestyle (2) Product to express social identity «Metro» consumer category Consumer values: Efficiency Status Self-esteem Aesthetic
Comments & Critics to Zungle Short-term strategy Long-term = Utilitarian function Concerns about safety issues should be faced A comment about market segments, needs and values THANK YOU