Boost Your Business Why Should I List with You?
Check In What did you do? What happened? What results did you get? What do you think you’ll do next time? Refer to your Sales Planner from last workshop
Meet the Expert Add guest speakers name Use this slide to introduce guest speaker or top producer that will share their success or demonstrate skills. Insert Photo or Delete slide if not needed Meet the Expert Add guest speakers name
How will Clients Differentiate You from other Agents? When your clients view YOU as being: Unique Knowledgeable Thoughtful Organized Professional You gain their trust and build rapport.
It’s All About Positioning How you position the information changes everything: “I’ve prepared a customized Marketing Plan for you.” “Weichert Lead Network is an exclusive system we’ve developed . . .” “Our Price trend Analysis is unique in the industry. Let me show you . . .” “At Weichert we do things differently. Here’s something you may find of interest . . .”
What are the Objectives of the Weichert Listing Process? Get to know the client. Get to know the home. Explain the customized marketing plan for the home. Share the value of you and Weichert! Discuss and agree on price. Secure the listing.
Examining our Full Sales Process Why do we do Getting to Know You versus getting to the Listing agreement? Why do we do a customized Listing Presentation versus a canned proposal? Why do we do a Price Trend Analysis versus pulling comps or doing a “CMA?”
The Weichert Sales Process The value story for working with YOU and Weichert is embedded within our sales process. It allows you to: Personally, emotionally connect with your client. Build trust. Demonstrate your value. Show how you’re DIFFERENT. Show why you’re worth it.
Getting to Know the Seller Sellers Think: Do I like you? Do I trust you? Use the “Getting to Know You” tool to: Build rapport. Demonstrate your professionalism. Show sincere interest in the sellers. Learn about the sellers and their home. Separate yourself from the competition.
Share the Weichert Value Story Sellers Think: Are you competent? Can you represent me? Can you bring me buyers? Will you work hard for me? Use the Weichert Listing Presentation to: Demonstrate value. Show you have a plan. Express your commitment. Gain their confidence.
The Weichert Difference . . . Six Distinct Advantages
Using Value Statements Statements that contain a feature or fact. Statements that contain a benefit or meaning to the client. Use bridges to connect the two. This means that . . . What this means for you is . . . With this you get . . . Because of this, you will be able to . . .
Example Value Statement Bridge Feature Benefit When buyers search online, we have the ability to directly connect them to a Sales Associate like me. This means . . . Our response time to interested buyers is minutes compared to days, getting more buyers previewing your property sooner.
Value Statement Exercise Listing Presentation pages are needed to complete this exercise. Work in pairs. Review your assigned page of the Weichert Listing Presentation. Create 2 value statements (fact, bridge, and benefit) for that page. Think of past seller needs, preferences, or situations that will help to formulate the value statement. You will have 5 minutes. After 5 minutes, you will your share value statements with the full group.
Close Throughout the Presentation “Is this a service you would want?” “Would you find this of value?” “Does this work for you?” “Is this helpful?”
Why is the Value Story so Critical? You distinguish yourself from the competition. (The competition WANTS to be the same so the only difference becomes commission.) Helps you overcome the brokerage fee issue. Seller knows what to expect because you share EVERYTHING you’ll do to sell their home. Sell Value FIRST. Defer the commission conversation so you can share the full Value Story.
Fast Track Facilitator Notes Session 2: Getting Started Today’s Call Session Make a minimum of 50 calls from your prepared list - Do Call List, SOI, OH Guest Registers, FSBO or Expireds. Keep track and report progress on the board. Record all leads and appointments made. Utilize Prospect Follow Up sheet to set follow up call appointments. Weichert University October 2007 17
Fast Track Facilitator Notes Session 2: Getting Started Call Session Results How many calls were made in total? (Calculate on flipchart) How many appointments were made? (Calculate on flipchart) What worked well for you today when calling? What would you try differently next time? Weichert University October 2007 18
Grow Your Skills and Business Call until you get 1 appointment – do this 3 times before next session. Goal is to secure 3 appointments. Attend 1 appointment – appointment can be a buyer consultation, listing appointment (1st or 2nd), FSBO, expired or price improvement. Come prepared to make 50 calls at next workshop. Preview homes and take notes on property features. Work an Open House. Follow up with all guests in 24 hours. Take online training – “Listing Presentation Dialogue” and “Tips and Effective Closing Techniques”.
“The path to success is to take massive, determined action. ” “The path to success is to take massive, determined action.” - Anthony Robbins
Sales Planner Add the assignments we just reviewed to your new Sales Planner. Write down what you will commit to do by next session. You have five minutes to complete this. Ask me or a colleague for ideas and help. Distribute blank copies of Sales Planner
Quickest Way to Boost Your Business REMEMBER… Quickest Way to Boost Your Business Aim for an Appointment a Day! Work an Open House every week. Know the inventory! Get Price Improvements on listings 30+DOM. Make 100 iCalls every week. Work FSBO’s and Expireds every week. Follow up! 1=18% 2=34% 3=62% 4=78%
“Success is almost totally dependent upon drive and persistence “Success is almost totally dependent upon drive and persistence. The extra energy required to make another effort or try another approach is the secret of winning.” Denis Waitly Thank You