Honoring the Resident’s Voice: From Med Pass to Dining.
Program Overview This program reviews the identified problem of residents having limited input on their daily life and how we chose to solve it. It addresses the liberalization of all of the aspects of our home, by putting the decision making back into the hands of each individual. This includes medication times, bathing schedules, therapy schedules, meals and meal times and eliminating tray service. We will review our process for implementation, modifications we made, our struggles along the way and our plan for sustainability.
Person-Centered Care Defined Promotes choice, purpose and meaning in life. The person remains at the center of the care planning and decision making process.
The Quality Project Our project: “Liberalization” Improve resident input into how their day was structured.
The Goal--Liberalization Allow for resident decision-making in daily life, “liberalization”. Medication times Therapy times Sleep patterns Meal service Activities
The Process Planning meetings Staff trainings Physician involvement Order changes
Challenges Staff schedules Flexibility Communication
Sustainability/Results Culture of Family Re-evaluation Increased resident and staff satisfaction Home-like environment
Thank you! For Questions, contact us at: Sadie Williams swilliams@qualitylifeservices.com Jennifer Moody jmoody@qualitylifeservices.com