Portable Fan
We took the top off the fan the screws gave us some trouble but we took it off
Then we took the blades off and the back battery from the main basket
We had found this plastic piece in the fan but do not know what it is We had found this plastic piece in the fan but do not know what it is.This piece to the right is the battery
All that was left was when we took out the back that was connected to the motor was this basket and we took out the magneto. The magneto wasn’t totally disassembled so we had to disassemble it more
When we took off the parts off the magneto this is what was left
We then took off the parts that were on the magneto off
We took out the switch and we cut the wire that was with the extension cord
The switch popped right off the back part of the fan The switch popped right off the back part of the fan. We took off the rubber pieces that were holding the fan up from the bottom
We took out all the screws and bolts and grouped them up with each other.
1. The fan blade attaches to the fan blade hub 1.The fan blade attaches to the fan blade hub. The switch turns on the motor which turns the blades that push air.