Site Plan A plan that shows the contours of a site, as well as any existing topographical features and structures. The site plan may also show proposed changes to the contours of the site.
Benchmark A permanent object used by surveyors to establish a point of reference.
Contour Interval The vertical distance between two adjacent contour lines.
Contour Line A line that connects points having the same elevation on a site. Contour lines are used to show the shape and elevation of the land.
Landscaping Plan A plan that shows the type and placement of trees, shrubs, flowers, gardens, and pools on the site.
Mean Sea Level A standardized elevation that specifies sea level as the average level between high and low tides.
Meridian Arrow A symbol on a plan or map that shows the direction of north.
Plot Plan A plan developed from a site plan that includes not only the existing contours and features of the site, but also the proposed new construction.
Property Lines The lines that define the boundaries of a building site or plot of land.
Setbacks Boundaries that establish minimum distances from the property lines where structures cannot be located.
Our site C69, C116, C121, C146 radius = 60’ Front Set back = 25’ Side and back set backs = 10’