Employee Forms Overview Copyright 2004 Schedule Tech. All Rights Reserved.
The Employee Form The items you add: Employee Number First Name Middle Name or Initial (optional) Last Name Seniority Date Maximum Vacation Days Department Work Center (if applicable)
How do I add Employees? Go to the Main Menu. Click on the Employee Forms button.
Click on One of the Views For example, click on the Employees by Name button.
The Employee Form The Employee Form opens. Click on the Add an Employee button.
Adding an Employee Continued… A blank line is inserted. Fill in the required fields.
Typing is Kept to a Minimum The department drop-down list shows the defined departments. Pick the department you need. The work center drop-down works the same way.
Click ‘n Search – a Handy Tool Every time you click a letter, you move to the next employee whose name starts with that letter.
We can Help! If you have a spreadsheet with the needed information - We can move it to Vacation Scheduler™ for you. (For a slight fee of course!)
Print Vacation Request Forms After you have entered your employees you can print Vacation Request Forms. Pass them out to your employees. See the next slide.
What’s Next? Go to the Vacation Requests presentation.
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