Coach Hulse Blue Valley High School Biology Reading strategies Coach Hulse Blue Valley High School Biology
H.O.W.I.G.R. Headings Objectives Words Introduction Graphics Review Questions
H.O.W.I.G.R. H – Headings O – Objectives Read the headings and subheadings throughout the chapter (Green, Blue, and Purple print). Note the organization of the chapter and what subheadings fit under each heading TO DO: Turn EACH heading into a question that you will try and answer when you read the chapter Example: p. 9 HEADING: The Three Domains of Life QUESTION: What are the three domains of life? O – Objectives Read over the objectives. Objectives are usually listed at the beginning of the chapter and/or the start of each section TO DO: Write the objective and list the heading where the information should be able to be found
H.O.W.I.G.R. W – Words I – Introduction Read over the vocabulary words listed at the start of each section (in bold or italics throughout the text). Find the words within the text TO DO: Define ALL words you did not fully understand I – Introduction Read the introduction TO DO: Summarize the main ideas. This can be done in bullet points or condensed sentences
H.O.W.I.G.R. G – Graphics R – Review Questions Look at the graphics and read the captions. This includes pictures, maps, graphs, charts, diagrams, margin notes, and any other features that are not within the standard text TO DO: Summarize the important information each graphic is displaying R – Review Questions Read over the CONCEPT CHECK questions at the end of the section. TO DO: Answer them! Read the relevant portions in the section if necessary.