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Presentation transcript:

Opening slide Welcome everyone Have host organization share a few words, welcoming everyone to their location Explain that this is a workshop for the new TN tool 5 min or less

About YOU… About US… WELCOME Welcome and Introductions Depending on the size of the group and time, you have a few options to welcome the group: Option 1: Simple group introductions, starting with speaker, then the group Option 2: Only speaker(s) introduce themselves Poll the group for the types of roles they are in Option 3: Show first, then have the group share their name, formal title and informal title Ask them to share if they are working in the same field as their degree 5 min or less About US…

Strategies for Success AGENDA Project partners Project specifics Agenda Set the stage and help the group understand how the workshop will go. Agenda: Project partners Project specifics See the solution Make the connection Advising activity Strategies for Success Toolkits and support Next steps Ask the group/explain: What their expectations are and point out where you’re aligned and where you differ; determine how, if and when you’ll answer any outlying questions/expectations Ground rules – breaks, devices, time of group, amenities (restroom, snacks, parking, WIFI) Site feedback and opportunities sheet (a form for minor updates and changes to the tool; we cannot guarantee all will be implemented, but all will be considered.) Materials on table (any handouts on the tables) Follow up plan (questions, what happens after the training, implementation and next training session) 5 min or less See the solution Make the connection Advising activity Strategies for Success Toolkits and support Next steps *Materials | Ground Rules | Feedback Sheet

connections to opportunities career exploration solution PROJECT BACKGROUND Why: What: When: Where: How: Who: connections to opportunities career exploration solution Jan 2017 – Aug 2018 all across TN with TN NLT, industry, educators, workforce Project Background HANDOUT: CAEL TN CCP Recommendation Report Executive Summary Quickly walk the group through the CAEL TN CCP Recommendation Report Executive Summary. This will allow you to give the group some context for what we’re doing and why. Hopefully participants have seen this document on their table when they entered and you don’t have to go through this in detail. Focus on the primary elements to the project: Why: to build and highlight connections to opportunities (education, community support and employment) for students and job seekers What: an interactive online career exploration solution and a process brining together stakeholders from across the state When: the project ran from Jan 2017 – Aug 2018 Where: all across TN, and specifically each of the 9 ECD regions How: built in partnership with TN, key stakeholders, end users and influencers Who: shouldered by the Nashville Leadership Team (NLT) consisting of TN Economic and Community Development, Tennessee Higher Education Commission, The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Complete TN, and CAEL); as well as industry representatives, educators, workforce development and community BETA LAUNCH was in June of 2018 vs. PUBLIC GO LIVE is planned for September 2018 10 min or less

PROJECT GOALS Support regional alignment of higher education to labor market demands and reveal clear, current and accurate career information Surface advising, education, support, and/or employment resources Complement other advising resources within other foundation investments and leverage all of the great resources already supporting Tennesseans Complement the functionality of IPASS to provide learners with relevant and up-to-date career exploration data and information, impacting degree completion Project Goals Help the group understand the primary objectives of the initiative and the build; why it’s so important. These are the primary goals of the work. Metrics and success will be defined out of these goals. The tool was built to: Support regional alignment of higher education to labor market demands and reveal clear, current and accurate career information Surface advising, education, support, and/or employment resources Complement other advising resources within other foundation investments and leverage all of the great resources already supporting Tennesseans Complement the functionality of IPASS to provide learners with relevant and up-to-date career exploration data and information, impacting degree completion 5 min or less

Project Timeline TIMELINE Project Timeline Quickly show the group the project timeline and explain the project stages. The objective is to help the group understand the work that has gone into the build and the complexity of the work. Explain phases Partners/workgroups = Design Council (industry, educators, workforce and community representatives from around the state); Content Working Group (local economic chamber and industry experts); Industry Ambassadors (contacts across the state who will continue to get the word out) Roles of key stakeholders (CAEL – project manager and developer, TN ECD, TBR and THEC - points of contact and validators, specifically Complete TN as the ongoing local host) 5 min or less

HAVE A LOOK Have a Look/Site Demo Take the group through a tour of the tool. Individuals can follow along on their cell phones as well, if that suits them best. Show them the primary landing pages (homepage, industry, regions, educators, advisors), calls to action, toolkits, and product features (matching, maps, job descriptions, integration). Encourage the group to revisit the site on their own time to take a deeper dive. Offer the group a short break after the demo, you should be nearing or at one hour 15 min or less

ON THE PATH EMPLOYMENT EDUCATION SUPPORT Your career starts here On the Path/Career Continuum Help the group understand that this tool plays a role in the broader education and workforce universe. There are a number of solutions in place already and some participants may have concerns about adding another. Explain how this tool aims to be a portal not only to opportunities, but also to other tools. Walk the group through SOME of the resources already in place that may be overwhelming or not in reach to many students and job seekers. Specifically point out these key differentiators: Highlight regional alignment of workforce supply and demand Provide resources for the full spectrum of workers and learners Focus on career pathways is key high growth industries Provide clear next steps for an education and career pathway plan The tool will: Embed links to current resources Coordinate data sources Draw from current site content Link to local employment opportunities If the group wants to have a brief conversation about this, allow it briefly, but don’t let the group take you off course. 10 min or less EDUCATION Your career A THRIVING CAREER starts here SUPPORT TN WLE supports existing tools and aids in the path to a THRIVING CAREER

STRATEGIES FOR SUCCESS HANDOUT: Strategies for Success Share this with the group: “now let’s drill down deeper. We’ve talked about the benefits of the website as a whole. As you can see, the website is broken into sections based on what people need so let’s take a few minutes to look at each section and talk about its’ uses. Matching tool About the Industries Companies Education and Training Career Guides Career Maps “Each section of the website has benefits for our audiences. Some examples of the benefits to each section include: Educators - know the possibilities, understand education connections, see links to scholarships About Industries - debunk myths, understand the role the industry plays in people’s lives and how the students can contribute Match Me - navigate a complex industry, see how skills and interests translate to jobs you’ll love Job Descriptions - start thinking about what you (the student) want to do, relatability to make a realistic plan “We’re confident you have benefits or ways to use the solution in mind as well. Now let’s combine these benefits to the target audiences for this tool and talk through some of the potential benefits of using this tool with the clients you serve. Based on what you’ve seen so far, you should be able to think of a few ways you can begin using this solution now. I want to you to think of someone you either have encountered or will encounter. At your tables, quickly brainstorm about how you can use this resource as a tool for your clients. How does this resource speak to the needs of various audience groups? (you may insert your coworker’s roles here if needed) High School students Community College students Career changers Advisors Recruiters Case Managers Influencers (parents, etc.)” EXTRA PREPARATION to get the conversation started if needed: Some of the benefits for counselors and advisors when using a tool like this are: High School students – Big picture of life after school Community College students – Focused conversations and next education Career changers – Points to transferable skills Advisors – Keeps me informed about the industry ASK: Each table to quickly review what they discussed with the larger group. 15 min STRATEGIES FOR SUCCESS Student Career Changer Advisor Case Manager Recruiter Time limit: 10 minutes Influencer

TRY IT OUT Time limit: 15 minutes Groups of three: Try it Out/Advising Session Activity HANDOUT: Advising Scenario Cards Say: “Once you have decided who will play each role in your first round, you’ll choose one of these cards” hold up cards. “We have created practice scenarios with the questions of a student or job seeker. Who ever is playing the Advisor will pick the card most applicable to their role and, without reading it, give it to the student/job seeker in your three-person group. After that person has had a chance to read the back of the card, he or she will pose their questions to the Advisor. As the Advisor, your role is to use the website to guide your student or job seeker to consider a career in one of the in-demand industries. It may be helpful to guide them to the Explore Jobs/matching tool, Education Programs, About Industries, or all of the above. If you are an Observer, take note of at least one thing the Advisor does well. It may also be helpful to take note of other pages one might visit during a session like this- remember, there is no one right way to navigate the solution.” Ask co-presenters to model a session or ask participants for a volunteer student (who asks the question) and you the presenter will play the advisor and give guidance. Then ask your audience to play the role of the Observer and give (gentle) feedback. We’ll give you about 5 minutes for each round, letting you know when it’s time to switch roles. After you’ve had a chance to complete 3 rounds, we’ll discuss the activity as a group.   Questions for debrief with all participants after activity is complete: How did the tool help you talk about the industry with your student? How did Work Learn Earn empower you as the Counselor/Case Manager/Advisor/Recruiter? How did the solution empower you as the student or job seeker? *Listen for additional feedback* 15 min TRY IT OUT Groups of three: 1 Advisor/Counselor - advises seeker using the site 1 Student/Job Seeker - presents chosen scenario 1 Observer - provides feedback on use of the tool Switch roles Share with the group Time limit: 15 minutes

Marketing Presenting Training TOOLKITS AND SUPPORT Marketing Presenting Training Branding PR Swag Collateral Social Media Talking Points Handouts Media Decks Feedback Forms Decks Lesson Plans References Activities Tutorial Toolkits and Support Visit to show participants the materials available to them to continue to get the word out. Say: “CAEL and their team have developed a host of free – downloadable resources that can be used to get the word out to students, job seekers, staff, and systems. If we go back to the Toolkits page, we can check out many of those resources. The most robust of the three is the Marketing Toolkit. Here you will find sample social media posts, posters to print out and other items to help you talk about the solution.” Explain each toolkit briefly and how you imagine it can be used. These resources will be added to the solution in August. 10 min or less

How will we integrate this tool into our work? NEXT STEPS How will we integrate this tool into our work? Outcomes and best practices New partners are welcome Local Host: Complete TN Ongoing engagement Workshop Evaluations Next Steps HANDOUT: Training Evaluations Walk the group through all of the next steps for the build and initiative: System change - how will we integrate this site into our work? Which strategies for success stand out to you most? What immediate actions can each person or the entire group take after today’s session? Outcomes and best practices (Complete TN will be compiling this information and sharing it across the state) New Partners are welcome (through the “Add My Complete/Educator” links at the bottom of the solution). Local Host: Complete TN (explain their role related to daily updates, client engagement, training and impact in the future). Ongoing engagement here (explain any plans your organization has to continue engaging around this topic/tool. Workshop Evaluations (please take time to finish the evaluations on your table when we finish). The strongest determinant in adoption and success for Work Learn Earn is system change. It’s important you use this time to identify ways the tool can/will be adopted. Identify specific and concrete ways to institutionalize the site’s use. Complete TN has taken the role of Local Host and they will continue to manage the continuous improvement process, identification and dissemination of best practices, addition of new partners, outcomes tracking and reporting, management of the Industry Ambassador group, and point of contact for CAEL. Complete TN will host regularly scheduled webinar’s and share information across their email distribution list about successes and opportunities. 10 min or less

Strategies for Success? AGENDA RECAP CAEL and our partners? Project specifics? Saw the solution? Made the connection? Agenda Recap Check back in with the group to find out if each objective has been met. Ask the group if we: Agenda: CAEL and our partners Project specifics Saw the solution Made the connection Advising activity Strategies for Success Toolkits and support Next steps If some expectations are NOT met or newly voiced expectations have not been met, considered individual follow up, another training or direct contact with Complete TN. 5 min or less Advising activity? Strategies for Success? Toolkits and support? Next steps?

Thank you Your name here Thank You/Closure Say: “Thank you so much for your time, participation and focus today. Please contact me at the email address(s) above with questions and ideas. Leave your business cards, evaluations, feedback forms, strategies for success and advising activity cards on the table and please take one of ours. Take all of the swag and share that will your students/job seekers.” 5 min or less Your name here