UN conference on trade and development UNCTAD UN conference on trade and development
INDEX What is it? Topics The Secretary Areas of work and cooperation
What is it? The UNCTAD is a conference of the UN about the development of the international market and it’s devoted to tackling these process and identifying appropriate international strategies and actions The first one was in 1964 in Geneva. Next page Next page
This conference is institutionalized to meet every four years and during it the developing countries are grouped in the Group of 77; today they are 139 out of a total 194 members. INDEX
TOPICS International investiment issues Since the 60s to today, the topics of this conference changed and today they are: The analytical research on the linkages beetween trade, investment, technologies and enterprise development The creation of a “Positive agenda” for developing countries in international negotiations, in order to explain the complexity of the multilateral trade negotiation. International investiment issues Expanding and diversifying its technical assistance Next page
The other times that sum the old topics of UNCTAD are: 60s – 70s 80s INDEX
Analytical research and policy advice on development issues. Intergovernmental forum for North-South dialogue and negotiations on issues of interest to developing countries, including debates on the "New International Economic Order". Analytical research and policy advice on development issues. Launch of different agreements (Generalized System of Preferences-1968, International Commodities Agreements, Code of Conduct for Liner Conferences, Control of Restrictive Business Practices). BACK TO …
Economic interdependence in the world increased greatly. New economic thinking. Development strategies became more market-oriented, focusing on trade liberalization and privatization of state enterprises. New debt crises. Despite structural adjustment programs by the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund. Economic interdependence in the world increased greatly. Intergovernmental debate, particularly regarding macroeconomic management and international financial and monetary issues. Promotion of a new agreement: Global System of Trade Preferences among Developing Countries. Organization of the first UN Conference on Least Developed Countries in 1981. BACK TO …
Increase in international financial flows Conclusion of the Uruguay Round of trade negotiations under the GATT resulted in the establishment of the World Trade Organizationin 1995 Increase in international financial flows Analysis of the risks and the destructive impact of financial crises on development. New political declaration – "The Spirit of Bangkok" – as a strategy to address the development agenda in a globalizing world. BACK TO …
THE SECRETARY The head of UNCTAD is Mukhisa Kituyi and he took office on 2013; he is famous for his experience in trade negotiations, international economy and diplomacy. INDEX INDEX
THE AREAS OF WORK AND COOPERATION The areas of work of the UNCTAD are: Africa development Globalization International trade and commodities Investments Technology It cooperates with the WTO and the International Trade Center (ITC) INDEX