Unit: Social Psychology


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Presentation transcript:

Unit: Social Psychology Essential Task: Describe the structure and function of different kinds of group behavior with specific attention to group polarization and group think  Logo Green is R=8 G=138 B=76 Blue is R= 0 G=110 B=184 Border Grey is R=74 G=69 B=64

Social Psychology Conformity Compliance Schema Attraction Unit 12: Social Psychology Attribution Attitudes and Persuasion Impact of Others on You Group Behavior Fundamental Attribution Error Self-Serving Bias Just-World Hypothesis Individualistic vs. Collectivistic Culture Schema Conformity Compliance Group Polarization Group Think In-Group/Out-Group Attraction Cognitive Dissonance Routes to Persuasion We are here

Candy Bar Your Group needs to develop a totally new flavor of candy bar. Cannot use any flavors already developed. Explain why you think your candy bar’s flavor will be successful. Develop a slogan Draw a packaging.

Groupthink Think about how you feel about abortion. Think about how you feel church and state. Think about how you feel about guns. Think about how you feel about xenophobia.

Groupthink A mode of thinking that occurs when the desire for harmony in a decision-making group overrides the realistic appraisal of alternatives. Attack on Pearl Harbor Kennedy and the Cuban Missile Crisis Donald Trump & Russia Allegations Chernobyl Reactor Accident

Groupthink Groupthink- syndrome of bad decision-making 12.17 4 12 13

Group Polarization Group Polarization- tendency to shift toward more extreme positions after group discussion It occurs because: social comparison- “everyone else is holding ‘better’ view” informational influence- “I never considered that” normative influence- “I should shift with the group norm” social decision schemes- “majority rules” Risky Cautious Neutral

Effects of Group Interaction Group Polarization enhances a group’s prevailing attitudes through a discussion. If a group is like-minded, discussion strengthens its prevailing opinions and attitudes. OBJECTIVE 11| Discuss how group interaction can facilitate group polarization and groupthink.