TQM05 (coil #36) Test Summary 1
TQ coil #36 in a mirror structure Coil #36 tested with a radiation resistant impregnation material 0.7-mm diameter Nb 3 Sn strand of RRP 54/61 sub-element design a drop off conductor from LQ coil #10, reel 989R Double butt lap 75 µm E-glass insulation Coil was impregnated with Matrimid 5292 (polyimide) Impregnation details are compared to the standard CTD-101K epoxy in the table below 2 DetailMatrimid®CTD-101K Impregnation Temperature125 °C60 °C Impregnation Time15 min240 min Curing Temperature200 °C125 °C Curing Time10 hours16 hours Viscosity at impregnation Temp10 cP100 cP Pot Life at impregnation Temp90 min1200 min R. Bossert, S. Krave ASC-2012
TQ coil #36 after reaction … 3
… and impregnation 4
TQ coil #36 in a mirror structure 5
6 TQM05 shim system R. Bossert Azimuthal pre-load of MPa was provided in the inner coil layer for magnets TQM04 and TQM05
TQ coil #36 in a mirror structure Coil cross section with flux density distribution at 14 kA TQ mirror structureTQ quadrupole 7
TQM05 voltage taps A10 voltage tap is open VT36A2 VT36B2 VT36A10 8
TQM05 SSL estimate No witness sample data available for TQ coil #36 A drop off cable from LQ coil #10 Witness sample data for LQ coil #10 used to estimate SSL of TQM05 SSL of TQM02 (coil #17 made of the RRP 54/61 strand) was used as a second reference point 4.6 K3.0 K1.9 K SSL, kA Bp_end, T D. Turrioni 9 M. Bossert
TQM05 Quench History All training quenches initiated in the pole-turn segments 98% of SSL reached at 3 different temperatures Final 4.5 K quench plateau established at 96% of SSL 10 Quench plateau verification after MIITs study
TQM05 Ramp Rate Dependence All quenches developed in the pole-turn segments 11
TQM01-03 Ramp Rate Dependence 12
TQM05 Temperature Dependence All quenches initiated in the pole-turn segments 13
TQM02-03 Temperature Dependence 14
All TQM trainings at 4.5 K TQM01, TQM02, TQM05 made of RRP 54/61 TQM05, TQM03, TQM04 reached almost 100% of SSL 15
TQM05 RRR measurements 16 Average measured RRR in TQM05 is ~250
TQM05 voltage spike data 17 Half-coil signals are captured at 100 kHz sampling rate
TQM05 SG data 18
TQM05 SG data (contd) 19 LE PoleRE Pole
TQM05 protection heater study Minimum PH power required to quench the magnet was estimated at 4.5 K and 1.9 K 3-mil Kapton film and 2 layers of 5-mil glass placed between the PH and coil Only one heater fired with a decay time of 24 ms ~45 W/cm 2 is required at the LHC injection current 20
TQM05 protection heater study (contd) 21
Summary 22 1-m long TQ coil #36 in a mirror structure (TQM05) with a radiation resistant impregnation material successfully was tested at Fermilab Matrimid 5292 (polyimide) used for impregnation Coil made of 0.7-mm diameter Nb 3 Sn strand of RRP 54/61 sub-element design 98% of SSL was reached at 4.5 K, 3 K and 1.9 K 2% of degradation was observed at 4.5 K after the quench training at 1.9 K Quench training, ramp rate and temperature dependence studies did not show any negative impact of the MATRIMID impregnation on the coil performance Average RRR (~250), as well as voltage spike data found consistent with other RRP 54/61 magnets Second thermal cycle will be done to check quench memory of the magnet