Black, Deadly and Funnel of Death By Meggi Labrador 2002
The female black widow spider eats the male, disgusting The female black widow spider eats the male, disgusting! Well, not to them.
One way for the male to avoid being eaten by the female is to bring her a present.A nice fresh bug wrapped up in silk often does the trick.
The black widow doesn’t like to fight it’s prey. Its too nervous The black widow doesn’t like to fight it’s prey. Its too nervous. It has a deadly poison for that reason. If a scorpion gets caught in it’s web the spider nips off his leg, stand back…wham! Lunch is ready.
The black widow glues her eggs on a branch The black widow glues her eggs on a branch. When the eggs hatch about 100 eggs hatch. 25 out of 100 survive.
The End