RAMtr@ck In-service Usage, Performance Monitoring & Management Service 2012
RAMtr@ck Service: Features Determines A low-burden intuitive process, based on over 20 years’ experience KEY FEATURES: A semi-automated logbook (on-line/off-line) that enables contractors, users and maintainers to record maintenance, usage and incidents in a straightforward way on their PCs using automated frameworks and dropdown menus (thus reducing “form-filling” time). All-party access. All stakeholders can log into the data repository to obtain ‘real time’ visibility of equipment utilisation, performance and its upkeep. Independent validation of the raw data prior to linking it to RAMtr@ck’s main data repository/analysis tool. An ‘export’ link to other recognised line management systems, e.g. failure reports/windows based file formats, ensuring that duplication of effort is kept to an absolute minimum.
RAMtr@ck Service: Benefits Determines Robust and proven process working seamlessly alongside client in-house practices KEY BENEFITS: Maximises the efficiency of system delivery Provides evidence of utilisation Provides evidence on whether or not Performance Indicators are being met Provides evidence of ALL incidents Enables corrective action to be taken without delay Ensures value for money is being delivered Delivers accurate AR&M data for evaluating and justifying system upgrades Determines
RAMtr@ck Demonstration – User Access Determines Secure access via enforcement of strict user name & password management rules Users logon with individual User ID and secure password Access denied if logon details are incorrect User Roles determine what the user can view and edit
RAMtr@ck Demonstration – Main Menu Determines User friendly navigation using standard web browser tools Users provided with access relevant to their role Systems are grouped in user-defined categories Drop-down menu used to select the relevant logbook Multilingual options are available
RAMtr@ck Demonstration – Logbook Determines To start an activity session A new logbook is automatically presented at the start of each month The appropriate activity is selected from the drop-down menu ‘Start’ button is selected to begin recording the session Date, Log Number, Activity and Start Time are automatically inserted Ease of use with simple one click operations
To complete an activity session and start another RAMtr@ck Demonstration – Logbook Determines To complete an activity session and start another ‘Start’ Button has changed to a red ‘Stop’ button ‘Stop’ button is selected to end the session Stop Time and Cumulative Session Time are recorded ‘Start’ button is available to start the next session ‘Real time’ visibility of equipment performance and its upkeep
ALL events/defects and associated usage recorded RAMtr@ck Demonstration – Logbook Determines To record an incident that has no impact on the function of the system ‘Defect’ button selected to record an incident that has minimal impact on the function of the system Logbook row now displayed in blue The time the defect occurred is automatically recorded, but the session continues to run ALL events/defects and associated usage recorded
ALL events/defects and associated usage recorded RAMtr@ck Demonstration – Logbook Determines To record an incident that has some impact on the function of the system ‘Reduced Capability’ button selected to record a fault that has degraded/reduced the function of the system New logbook row added in amber The time the fault occurred is recorded, but the session continues to run ALL events/defects and associated usage recorded
ALL events/defects and associated usage recorded RAMtr@ck Demonstration – Logbook Determines To record an incident which results in the system being unavailable ‘Catastrophic Failure’ button selected to record a failure that results in the system being non-operational New logbook row added in red Session ‘Stop Time’ recorded as the system has failed and the session has ended ALL events/defects and associated usage recorded
Uses pre-defined drop-down menus for greater consistency in data RAMtr@ck Demonstration – Logbook Determines To complete the incident details in the incident record The red ‘Catastrophic Failure’ row is selected to display the incident edit screen The button adjacent to a date/time control is selected to automatically populate the field The appropriate failure mode is selected from the drop-down menu Uses pre-defined drop-down menus for greater consistency in data
Uses pre-defined drop-down menus for greater consistency in data RAMtr@ck Demonstration – Logbook Determines To complete the repair actions in the incident record The repair action is selected from the drop-down menu Each failure is assigned a Fault Code appropriate to the incident type Additional ‘user defined’ Failure Codes can be assigned Uses pre-defined drop-down menus for greater consistency in data
For ease of use data is automatically populated where possible RAMtr@ck Demonstration – Logbook Determines To complete the repair actions in the incident record The time the system was restored is entered automatically by selecting the button or can be added manually The logistic delay and active repair time is calculated automatically by selecting the button or can be added manually For ease of use data is automatically populated where possible
Minimises duplication of effort by re-using information RAMtr@ck Demonstration – Logbook Determines To export to other reporting systems – tailored to clients needs A customised failure report can be linked to an incident record RAMtr@ck can integrate with or export directly to an existing Failure Reporting system e.g. the RN S2022(S) Minimises duplication of effort by re-using information
Independent validation ensures accuracy and integrity of the data RAMtr@ck Demonstration – Logbook Determines To record the utilisation of the system and complete the logbook A logbook counter is selected to enable the user to include utilisation data e.g. equipment powered up time Popup screens are used to input the required data Once complete, the User locks the logbook. The data is then available for validation by BMT Independent validation ensures accuracy and integrity of the data
Detailed analysis of equipment reliability/availability RAMtr@ck Demonstration – Outputs Determines Reports and charts tailored to the clients needs Summary Reports Charts Top 10 Reports Detailed Reports Detailed analysis of equipment reliability/availability
RAMtr@ck In-service Usage, Performance Monitoring & Management Service Determines PROVIDES: A complete record of usage, failures and repair data Greater consistency in data through the use of pre-defined drop-down menus Accurate independently validated data for evaluating and justifying system upgrades Local ‘real time’ visibility of equipment usage and performance Detailed analysis of data enabling the identification of key cost and unavailability drivers Meaningful measure of in-service performance Determines
Thank you Determines If you have any questions or would like any further information about RAMtr@ck please contact: BMT Reliability Consultants 12 Little Park Farm Road, Fareham, PO15 5SU, UK +44 (0)1489 553100 judy.jubb@bmtrcl.com www.bmtrcl.com