Radio Resource Measurement Closing Report to the Working Group Month 2002 doc.: IEEE 802.11-02/xxxr0 July 2002 Radio Resource Measurement Closing Report to the Working Group July 2002 Session Harry Worstell, AT&T Acting Chair Harry Worstell, AT&T John Doe, His Company
Elected Harry Worstell as Secretary of the Group by acclamation Month 2002 doc.: IEEE 802.11-02/xxxr0 July 2002 Richard Paine of Boeing was elected Chair of the Study Group by acclamation Elected Harry Worstell as Secretary of the Group by acclamation Continued generating text for a PAR and 5 Criteria Presentation by Simon Barber Presentations by Richard Paine Discussed procedures and scope Set time and Dates for Conference calls until next meeting Harry Worstell, AT&T John Doe, His Company
July 2002 Motion: Move to affirm Richard Paine as Chair of the Radio Resource Measurement Study Group Harry Worstell, AT&T
July 2002 Motion: Move to empower RRM-SG to hold an interim meeting in September 2002, conduct teleconferences, process a PAR and 5 Criteria and consequently submit the PAR and 5 Criteria to the Working Group at or before the November 2002 IEEE 802 plenary to start a Task Group Harry Worstell, AT&T