MDC Test Prep Boot Camps Your Journey to Completion Begins with Us!! February 25, 2013
Goals: Reduce time spent in Dev. Ed courses by improving placement levels for students not yet college ready Increase number of college ready students Initial focus: Approximately 5000 First Time in College Direct Entry Students placing 1-3 levels below college ready
Intensive one-week course One specific subject area Followed by placement testing Boot Camp Overview Reading Writing Math Subjects 5 consecutive days, 3 hours per day Approximately students Available at all campuses Available in morning, afternoon, and evening sections Free Course Structure
Diagnostic testing to identify skill gaps and remediation tools Testing Modularized instruction targets at skill gaps Group, individualized, and computer-based instruction Instruction Test-taking strategies Motivational support Support
Design Teams Developed the boot camp structure Evaluated tools Identified key competencies Developed the online portion of the course Developed training and support materials Discipline Leads Developed college-wide implementation plan with academic and continuing education campus liaisons Implemented mandatory training sessions for instructors Provided oversight for the college-wide implementation Assisted with trouble-shooting and data collection
Test Prep Boot Camp Marketing Facebook Video Postcards Personal Contact Testing Mandatory orientations
Over 1,300 students 120 classes Students Served 50% placed at least one level higher 25% placed out of Dev. Ed Re-test Results Fall course performance exceeded college averages Fall Course Performance
Lessons Learned Leverage and market more proactively through high schools Incorporate re-test into course schedule Incent supplemental out-of-class practice and reinforcement Select instructors carefully Charge small fee to promote investment in the course and increase student attendance and participation
Dr. Jacqueline Peña: Adam Porro: Continuing the Discussion… Contact Us. 99