Mayan Mathematics Mayan Math By Brian Betz
How do you do this? I hope you read the Mayan Math page on my pbwiki. Well if you did not see the mayan math page listen up!!!
This is how you do Mayan Math: Mayan Math is a base 20. It goes up in multiples of 20 so say at the bottom it’s 1 then 20 then 400 then 8,000 and so on
A simple Mayan Math Problem: + =
A more complex problem: + o ______ 61
A hard problem PSST! Need help? I just divide the problem into simpler problems. + __ __ ______ 1,650
Warning. Warning. Don’t try this. This is a brain buster Warning! Warning! Don’t try this. This is a brain buster! Many Have Tried the following problem and have failed numerously!
+ + + + _________ 17,728 BRAIN BUSTER!! + + + + _________ 17,728
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Mayan Math was ahead of their time with a base 20 system. If you enjoyed this PowerPoint read more at
Thanks for visiting mayateamthree.pbwiki Made by B. Betz
Mayan Team Three brought to you by Mr. Newman. A Huge thank you to Mr. Newman himself! THANKS!!