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Presentation transcript:



TABERNACLE CHURCH Liberality (Ex. 35:4-36:7) Pattern (Ex. 25:8-9, 40) Material (Ex. 25) Most Holy Place (Ex. 26:33-34) Annual Sacrifice (Heb. 9:7) The Holy Place (Ex. 26:31-37) High Priest (Num. 18:1-7) Common Priests (Heb. 9:6) Outer Court (Eze. 10:5;Lk. 1:10) Consecrated (Ex. 29) Holy Garments (Ex. 28:2) Candlestick Incense (Ps. 141:2) Table of Showbread (Lev. 24:5-9) Liberality (2 Cor. 8, 9) Pattern (Rom. 6:17) Material (1 Cor. 3:11; 1 Pet. 2:5) Heaven (Heb. 9:24) Eternal Sacrifice (Heb. 9:12) The Church (Heb. 9:19-21) Jesus (Heb. 10:21) Christians (Rom. 12:1;Lk. 17:10) World (Jn. 3:16,17; 17:16) Consecrated (1 Cor. 6:11) Holy Lives (Rev. 19:8; Jm. 1:27) Light (Ps. 119:105, 2 Cor. 4:4) Prayer Lord’s Supper (1 Cor. 11:17-34)