Пәннің аты: School physics experiments Ш.Уәлиханов атындағы Көкшетау мемлекеттік университеті Жаратылыстану ғылымдары факультеті Физика және математика кафедрасы Пәннің аты: School physics experiments Оқытушы: Шуюшбаева Нуpгуль Найзабековна аға оқытушы, PhD
Пәнге сипаттама 3 5 30 15 22,5 67,5 135 exam Course Semester Number of credits Lectures in hours Practical work (PW) in hours Independent work of the student with the teacher in hours (IWST) Indepen dent work of the student in hours (IWS) Total Control form 3 5 30 15 22,5 67,5 135 exam
Problems of the discipline: The purpose of discipline: the study of basic physical laws and concepts applied to the discipline. To develop students' skills on the application of the basic laws of School physics experiments in solving specific physical problems. Aim of the discipline: What better way is there to learn than by doing? This discipline enables students to carry out more than 103 different experiments and demonstrations, carefully planned to illustrate important principles of modern science. Clear step-by step instructions, frequent diagrams, clear statements of conclusions all enable the young student to carry through these experiments with minimal supervision, yet full success. Course Description: Provide a conscious assimilation of the students scientific - theoretical foundations of the subject of school physics experiments. The acquisition of a certain body of knowledge on school physics experiments necessary for a successful follow-up study of subjects related to mechanics; clarification of the meaning and significance of the issues related to the development of school physics experiments. Problems of the discipline:
Information on the assessment Current control is on practical lessons, through quality control and timeliness of tasks IWST and IWS. Each completed assignment is evaluated on a 100 point system. Boundary control is carried out 2 times per semester, includes computer testing on passed themes. The admission score ranking is formed as the arithmetic average of estimates of the current control in the classroom and assessment intermediate control. The final control takes place during the examination session and includes oral response to examination questions or computer-based testing for AIS. UNIVERSITY (Platonus). Policy grading Policy grading is based on 100 points (100%) system. The final examination mark (FEM) consists of the sum of the scores of the admission rating (AR) and the final control (FC), is given by: FEM= 0,6 x AR + 0,4 x IR