I Can’t See Clearly! Created by Pearl , Joy, and Elain
Today there is a new comer to our class.
Dear kids, I would like to introduce the new classmate to you. Hello, everyone! He is David.
What a wonderful pair of glasses!
Now we have to check your eyes to see whether your eyes are healthy. Please come front here and make a line.
It’s UP!
It’s DOWN!
I can’t see it clearly…… ? Um……Is it LEFT? ? ? ? ?
No! It’s RIGHT! No… No… No…
Jack, I think your eyes may have some problems Jack, I think your eyes may have some problems. You’d better go to see a doctor. OK, I see.
No! It’s really not a good idea. Great! I can have a pair of fashion glasses, too! No! It’s really not a good idea. Because……
You may step on dog feces. Oops!
You may take someone for mistake. Hello, Jolin ! Oh, I’m very sorry! Good morning, Jack! No, I am the principle!
What happened? ? ? ? You may bump into the electric lines.
We Chinese say that eyes are the windows to the soul We Chinese say that eyes are the windows to the soul. We should take good care of them. I got it! Thank you! I will go to see the doctor after school.