Recent Highlights and Future Plans at VAMOS


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Presentation transcript:

Recent Highlights and Future Plans at VAMOS Structure of exotic neutron rich nuclei New/Unique program Inverse kinematics with heavy beams around the Coulomb barrier High resolution, efficient magnetic and gamma spectrometers Improvement of sensitivity Path towards SPIRAL2

Physics Goals Exploring nuclear structure far from stability using Deep Inelastic Reactions Evolution of shell structure Shapes and collective excitations Highlights Absence of a predicted shell closure at N=34 Presence of triaxial shapes near shell closures Tomorrow mapping a structure of fission fragments Towards 132Sn, 78Ni Reflection assymetric shapes

VAMOS Unique Spectrometer Essential for nuclear structure and reaction studies Identification of reaction products Large acceptance Coupling with different arrays (EXOGAM, MUST2 …) Beam Target

VAMOS Schematic View Focal Plane detection DIPOLE QUADRUPOLES EXOGAM BEAM Focal Plane detection DIPOLE Velocity Filter

Variable Mode Operation QQ – Focusing Mode QQD – Spectrometer Variable Dispersion Recoil Separator QQF(D) QQD (Gas filled)* Detectors beam Ref :NIM B 204(2003)146

Focal Plane Setup Software Spectrometer Initial coordinates deduced from final coordinates

Focal Plane Setup Si Wall Drift Chamber beam IC SeD

Identification spectra Target-like 48Ar N/Z=1.67 highest reached in this kind of reaction 238U 5.5 MeV/u Beam Target : 48Ca

Neutron rich isotopes of Calcium Doppler corrected using V from VAMOS 238U (5.5 MeV/u) + 48Ca

No new shell gap at N=34 in Calcium M. Rejmund et al. PRC 76, 021304(R) (2007)

Neutron rich isotopes of Argon Doppler corrected using V from VAMOS 238U (5.5 MeV/u) + 48Ca

Neutron rich Argon and collectivity S. Bhattacharyya et al. PRL 101, 032501 (2008)

Acceptance of VAMOS Bρ [Tm] Ω [mSr]

Acceptance is determined by a detector size ! ~45 cm

Ongoing improvement By doubling of size of the focal plane detection S. Pullanhiotan et al, NIM A 593 (2008) 343


Wide ranging opportunities with VAMOS Improvements of efficiency and resolving power will take us towards presently unachievable goals and benefit nuclear physics community Coupling EXOGAM, AGATA, MUST2, TIARA, INDRA… Physics of “exotic phenomena” with reactions ranging from transfer to multifragmentation