Challenges of the Democratisation of Democracy from the ECI to local Direct Democracy- “in a non-successful 3rd wave democracy” by Andreas Gross (Switzerland) (Political Scientist/ Dr h.c.; Lecturer and Director Atelier for Direct Democracy St-Ursanne, 24 years Swiss MP/ 2008-2016: Leader of the Social Democrats in the PACE Strasburg) Presentation for the Seminar “Citizen’s Participation and Direct Democracy” org. by KRIIK Albania and CDO, Tirana, February 2nd 2017
Questions & hypothesis to start… “3rd Wave” ? (1789) - 1848 – 1918 – 1945 - 1989 “Non-successful” ?: - Albania is today more democratic than 1955 or 1999 ! Democracy is not a ”success-story”, but a ongoing never-ending process The ECI is neither a citizens initiative nor a success-story for democracy; but still the first and only trans-national, citizen-participative democratic right: just another beginning of a new historical process
Similar main challenges for Europeans and Albanians Learn to act transnationally – new dimension, no democratic polity (no constitution) Learn to act – new way of life, “dangerous”, exclusive polity Mentalities do not change overnight,
Multiple deep collective learning processes needed Life is not a destiny – Freedom is more than a choice, alone you don’t find it and you can never buy it In a democracy power has to be shared – horizontally and vertically, no monopoles A constitution is a agreement between all citizens Citizens are partners, not enemies, consumers or clients – constitution and laws have to be designed this way
The best and most encouraging way to learn…. … is the possibility and the opportunity to make new, other and better experiences. Like this you experience new opportunities and start to see, that the seemingly impossible is possible !