The Strategic View of the Accession Countries DR. JÓZSEF GYÖRKÖS STATE SECRETARY MINISTRY OF INFORMATION SOCIETY The Strategic View of the Accession Countries Brussels 19-20 September 2002
Content Overview - Lessons Learned from the eEurope+ Progress Report Building Strategy by Participation Preconditions to be Achieved Elements of Achieving the Participative Position of the Accession Countries Conclusions - Pan European Strategy with the Accession Countries
Overview - Lessons Learned from the eEurope+ Progress Report Information Society remains a top priority of the candidate countries National strategies are implemented and enforced Exploiting the potential of use of new technologies for access to Internet remains a problem Extensive exchange of experiences and best practice necessary eGovernment services as a catalyser for the implementation of the information society in the candidate countries Public internet access points
Building Strategy by Participation The enlargement context Convergence Integration through interoperability Growth, productivity, employment and social cohesion Trans-European broadband information highways Applications, content and services for all European citizens and bussines
Preconditions to be Achieved Regulation and harmonisation Combating the “digital divide” Improving the technical infrastructure Competition Security Higher visibility and a “user friendly” repertoire of modern online services Enabling a dynamic eBussines environment
Elements of the Participative Position of the Accession Countries Enformcement of the national strategies Participating in Community programs IDA eContent Exchange of experiences and best practice The participative approach as a “win-win” concept Investments made now are to pay high dividend in the future
Conclusions - Pan European Strategy with the Accession Countries The “information society convergence” as a integral part of the overall convergence Towards the world largest common market based on a highly competitive knowledge based economy The Pan European information society as a key actor, assuring welfare and cohesion for the Europe of the future