Henry Hudson School #28 Rights and Responsibilities Assembly Diving into Success Henry Hudson School #28 Rights and Responsibilities Assembly
Our focus this year is: CR2 Character Counts! Our focus this year is: CR2 1. Citizenship 2. Respect 3. Responsibility 2/25/2019
Citizenship Participating in school Helping others Supporting the community 2/25/2019
Respect Being kind Treating others the way we want to be treated Taking care of people and property 2/25/2019
Responsibility Following the school rules all the time Coming to school on time and prepared to learn Doing your homework and reading daily 2/25/2019
In the Hallway Shining Stars: 2/25/2019
In the Cafeteria Shining Stars: 2/25/2019
In the Bathroom Shining Stars: 2/25/2019
During STAR assemblies, we will share your success with others! Academic Awards Attendance Awards Uniform Participation Awards Accomplished Goals Award 2/25/2019
Numbers that we Watch Your Attendance Your NWEA Goals and Accomplishments Discipline Referrals SHIP Visits 2/25/2019