epoline Presentation Helsinki June 9, 2000
Overview epoline website On-line Patent Register On-line File Inspection On-line Filing 2/25/2019 www.epoline.org
epoline website www.epoline.org 2/25/2019 www.epoline.org
On-line Patent Register
PRESENTATION Current Register on-line First version on Internet Demonstration Advantages Future plans 2/25/2019 www.epoline.org
Current Register On-line access via X25 2/25/2019 www.epoline.org
---------------DAILY UPDATES ! ---------------------- EXPECTED GRANT …………. 23.02.00 REQUEST FOR EXAMINATION : 22.11.1998 EXAMINATION REPORT(S) A.96(2), R.51(2) FIRST EXAMINATION REPORT : 10.12.1998 DATE DISPATCH/TIME-LIMIT/REPLY : 08.02.1999/M02/2.04.1999 13.06.1999/M04/1.10.1999 PAYMENT OF FEE FOR GRANT / PRINT : 20.12.1999/20.12.1999 2/25/2019 www.epoline.org
As you can see the Register has been developed regularly, providing more data and improving the access possibilities. As a result of these developements the number of users has increased regularly since 1993. We have distributed over 6000 passwords since. 2/25/2019 www.epoline.org
The new Register First version via the Internet 2/25/2019 www.epoline.org
Advantages Access via Internet Free of charge Same content (except citations) Similar presentations 2/25/2019 www.epoline.org
More advantages More search fields Use of boolean operators Download of many patent numbers with only one search command 2/25/2019 www.epoline.org
Future developments Downloading of list of patent numbers with one command Link to technical content of esp@cenet 2/25/2019 www.epoline.org
On-line File Inspection
Online File Inspection Article 128 - Inspection of files 4) Subsequent to the publication of the European patent application, the files relating to such application and the resulting European patent may be inspected on request, subject to the restrictions laid down in the Implementing Regulations. 2/25/2019 www.epoline.org
Online File Inspection Procedure Data EPO External User Internet Publication Data Web Server Application Server Browser Dossier Data Images 2/25/2019 www.epoline.org
Online File Inspection User Requests a File Receives a Table of Contents Documents can be selected For Download to PC For Display 2/25/2019 www.epoline.org
Online File Inspection Works with the most common browsers Netscape Navigator 4.5 Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.0 2 Versions on separate systems Public (access only to published applications) Internal (unlimited access for examiners 2/25/2019 www.epoline.org
Online File Inspection Experimental Phase Requirements based on “best guess” Testing, Feedback and Iterations Pilot Phase Large group of users (WPTI, EPI and large companies) 3 month test period Operational Phase Rule 94 change Cost-free public service 2/25/2019 www.epoline.org
On-line Filing (eOLF)
The Paper Gap Paper Scan or Type Print Applicant Computer EPO Computer Trilateral Paper Scan or Type Applicant Computer Systems MS WORD Print EPO Computer Systems Scan or Type Print National Offices 2/25/2019 www.epoline.org
An epoline ® Transaction 1 Composition 2 Authorization 3 Protection 4 Transportation 5 Reception 6 Verification 7 Confirmation 8 Action 9 Registration SINGLE, SECURE, ELECTRONIC TRANSACTION 2/25/2019 www.epoline.org
Building eOLF first step Build the epoline ® Architecture Complete eOLF Client “1st tier” Provide “2nd and 3rd tiers” Interface with the “4th tier” Back-End Systems (EPASYS, PHOENIX) Incorporate the Product Security Implement PKI infrastructure for eOLF Integrate within the EPO Internet Security 2/25/2019 www.epoline.org
Applicant Communication 1st tier 2nd, 3rd tiers Applicant EPO PHOENIX EPASYS Communications Module Applicant Certificate Interface Browser Encryption Digital Signature Envelope Programming Certificate Encryption Digital Signature Envelope Communications Module EPO CAESAR CASEX PHOENIX INTERNET FEES CAFS DATIMTEX ELPAC Mail Boxes 4th tier ESPACE NET 2/25/2019 www.epoline.org
Filing at National Offices ACM C E DS Env EPO Applicant PHOENIX CAESAR EPASYS DATIMTEX CASEX FEES ELPAC CAFS epoline Certificate Encryption Digital Signature Envelope Mail Boxes Communications Module EPO VPN INTERNET National Office ACM C E DS Env Mail Boxes National Office 2/25/2019 www.epoline.org
Build eOLF Client “1st tier” Using EP-EASY 2.90 filing submission functionality Providing eOLF Transmission Module, Using XML and PDF Providing the Trans-RO interface between EP-EASY and the “new” IBM Applet at the workstation 2/25/2019 www.epoline.org
Provide “2nd and 3rd tiers” Web-Server (IBM HTTP Server) Provide Java Applet-Servlet Implements the applet based Trans-RO Interface (between eOLF Client and Applet-Servlet) Error Handling for transaction errors EP Filing processing, incl. Signer Server, Receipt Install Light Directory (LDAP) (using IBM Secure Way) PKI Server (iD2 Servant) 2/25/2019 www.epoline.org
eOLF 4 tier Backend Interfaces DATA Interface (XML based) EPASYS (EPO) Common Software (NO implementation) IMAGES Interface (PDF based) PHOENIX (EPO) PHOENIX LITE (NO Implementation) 2/25/2019 www.epoline.org
epoline ® OLF re-use EP-EASY PCT FR FI CH Local Database epoline® File Manager Secure Submission Internet Data Document Web Server Application 2/25/2019 www.epoline.org
eOLF Application Submission XML Hash XML DESC CLAIMS ABST DRAW Ticket Signature Internet Blob (ZIP) Data Document PDF Documents Web Server Application 2/25/2019 www.epoline.org
Incorporate the Product Security
Protection - Document Contents TIFF Image archive format Legal basis of PHOENIX PDF (Portable Document Format) Market standard for Documents Guarantees “What you see is what I sent”. XML Emerging de-facto market standard Will eventually replace SGML for IP documents 2/25/2019 www.epoline.org
Secure Transactions Authentication / Verification Each party ‘”knows” who the other is Confidentiality / Privacy No-one else can see the data transmitted Integrity Data transmitted and received are identical Accountability / Non-Repudiation Both parties can “prove” receipt 2/25/2019 www.epoline.org
eOLF PKI Implementation
Authorization - Smart Card 2/25/2019 www.epoline.org
Authorization - Certification. Smart card contains certificates Uniquely identifies an individual Issued by a Certification Authority Banks Governments (Finish VRK, Spanish CMT) Post Offices D-Trust CA used for eOLF first iteration EPO will act initially as epoline CA Required for all secure communication with the EPO 2/25/2019 www.epoline.org
Public Key Infrastructure Public Keys Certificates, CRLs Certification Authority Directory Certificates CRLs Private Keys Smart Cards Certificates PKI enabling SW Server PKI enabling SW Client epoline server epoline client Authentication Encryption Signatures 2/25/2019 www.epoline.org
epoline ® PKI implementation Authorization via Smart Card Implements iD2 PKI Infrastructure D-Trust initial Certification Authority (CA), EPO as CA during 2000 Local LDAP implemented using IBM Secure Way eOLF IBM Servlet signs outgoing Receipt 2/25/2019 www.epoline.org
Integrate with EPO’s Internet Security
epoline ® and National Offices FW FW FW PHOENIX Light Document Scanning Server Scan/CD-R Wr Workstations CD-R Public Server Public App Server IBM HTTP Server epoline Client Internet Private Server LDAP IBM HTTP Server Private App Server D-Trust CA Sever Data DMZ eDMZ 2/25/2019 www.epoline.org
n-line Filing Demonstration Performing an On-line Patent Application filing Online assignment of “Application Number” and “Date of Receipt” Acquire acknowledgement of Receipt 2/25/2019 www.epoline.org
We use EASY 3.00 (Build 0001) Use modified EP-EASY Module to prepare the “submission” Renaming files to PDF Adding error handling Incorporate the iD2 PKI implementation Add a Transferring Module (for “sending” the EP filing submission) Client and Applet communicate using Trans-RO interface Incorporates the processing of the Receipt 2/25/2019 www.epoline.org
eOLF Product Diagram IBM HTTP Servlet Server Internet Browser IBM A/S Client IBM HTTP Server Internet Servlet eOLF Client Browser Signer Server Applet MS CAPI IBM SecureWay Card Reader iD2 CSP CRL’s iD2 Servant iD2 Crypto D-Trust CA server CA Docs Data 2/25/2019 www.epoline.org