Time Management and Investment Aimee Knudson Grants Manager California Institute of Technology
Introduction Overcommitting yourself Burdened with weight of time debt Unrealistic expectations Time is a finite resource External and Internal expectations
How Much of Your Time do YOU Commit? Basic Wellness Necessities: Sleeping-8 hours Eating- 1.5 hours Personal Grooming-2 hours Exercise-1 hour Total=12.5 hours Daily Time Budget=24 hours-12.5 hours=11.5 hours
External Expectations Work-45 hours School/Studying-10 hours Personal Relationships-5 hours Family Events-8 hours Mentoring Program-1 hour Total External=69 hours weekly
Internal Expectations Exercise-7 hours Travel-4 hours Personal Development-6 hours Finances-3 hours Total Internal=20 Hours
Calculating Expectations Time Investment Success Formula External Expectations + Internal Expectations ≤ 24 Hours – Self Care Time Debt Stress Formula External Expectations + Internal Expectations > 24 Hours – Self Care
Outcome of Your Time Investment Calculations External Expectations + Internal Expectations __ Time Budget (69 Hours) + (20 Hours) > (80.5 Hours)
Model The Way Set an example by establishing your own set of principles regarding work/life balance. Explain the importance of not overscheduling yourself Less stress=better productivity
Inspire A Shared Vision Be passionate about encouraging others to balance their lives. Create an image of what can be accomplished by the balance. Quietly persuade others to think about the balance.
Challenge the Process Search for opportunities for change. Find ways to improve your organization culture so that life/work can be effectively. Risks, mistakes, and failures are part of the process and serve as learning opportunities.
Enable Others to Act Foster team building and collaboration. Involve others. Create an atmosphere of mutual respect and trust. Make each person feel capable and powerful.
Encourage the Heart Keep hope and determination alive. Recognize contributions. Share the rewards. Celebrate accomplishments.
Project Outcomes Lead Me Program Giving Back to NCURA Attitude is everything. Anyone can become a leader. The importance of team building and collaboration. Mistakes are part of the learning process. Encourage colleagues to participate in the Lead Me program. Encourage colleagues to join NCURA. Volunteer at meetings and sign up for group activities.
Thank you Article: How to Manage Your Time Like Money by Elizabeth Grace Saunders Contact Information: aknudson@astro.caltech.edu