Unit 3 Exam Review!
Election of 1800. Ended in a tie between Aaron Burr and Thomas Jefferson. Alexander Hamilton got involved. He convinced people to elect Thomas Jefferson instead of Aaron Burr. The House of Representatives voted for Jefferson.
It doubled the size of America! Louisiana Purchase It doubled the size of America! Thomas Jefferson was unsure about buying it because it doesn’t say the President can buy land in the Constitution. Lewis and Clark were sent to explore the new territory.
War Hawks, These guys were the ones who wanted to go to war with England. They really wanted America to get Canada.
Tecumseh He was a Native American chief who fought against Western American settlements. The British gave him weapons to do so. When we find out, we get super mad that the British are helping the Natives shoot at us.
War of 1812 It started because of Impressment, the British taking our sailors and forcing them into their navy. The Star Spangled Banner is written during the Battle of Fort McHenry. The Battle of New Orleans is the biggest battle, and Andrew Jackson becomes known as a hero because he was in charge of the victory.
Who was opposed to the War? The biggest opposition group were the New England merchants and manufacturers. They had a trade relationship with the British and they didn’t want to go to war with them.
Treaty of Ghent Ended the War of 1812, basically said everything would go back to being the same as it was before the war, so nothing was really ever won or lost
The American System This was the idea that we needed a way to unit the three different regions of America. The North would be manufacturers. The West would provide food. The South would provide raw materials.
We needed roads and canals to help move all these goods around. How do we connect? We needed roads and canals to help move all these goods around. The Erie Canal connected New York City to Buffalo.
1st Industrial Revolution Samuel Slater was a British factory manager who slipped out of England and brought plans of his factory, which he hid in his head, to America. Factories begin to pop up in New England because they have excellent rivers for supplying power.
Blockade during the War of 1812. The British blockaded us during the War, but that actually ended up helping us because we built our own stuff. This helps contribute to the rise of factories in the North.
Clothes, or textiles, were the first “industry” in America. Textile Industry Clothes, or textiles, were the first “industry” in America.
The Monroe Doctrine This was issued by President Monroe and it said that Europe should stay out of the Western Hemisphere
This gave us Florida from the Spanish. Adams-Onis Treaty This gave us Florida from the Spanish.