e-Beams Systems Update David Schultz People Issues from the last review LTU and Dump Installation Status Undulator System Status Controls Status Installation Readiness Reviews Accelerator Readiness Review Schedule and Budget Linac and Undulator Risks
E-Beams System CAMs Jose Chan is the Control Account Manager for LCLS Linac and Undulator Systems at SLAC. WBS 1.3, 2.3, 1.4.6 Geoff Pile is the Control Account Manager for Undulator Systems at ANL. WBS 1.4, 2.4
New responsibilities Jim Krebs has joined LCLS as Deputy e-Beam Systems Manager. Enzo Carrone has joined LCLS and the Controls Department as the Deputy Controls Head for LCLS.
E-Beams systems since the last review (1) Injector and Linac/BC2 commissioning is complete. The ‘07 downtime installation went very well. These systems, through linac sector 30, have been handed over to operations. The Undulator vacuum chamber crisis is behind us. The extruded Al chamber was adopted when internal polishing was demonstrated as acceptable. The extruded Al chamber meets all specs. All chambers and supports have been fabricated and are at SLAC.
E-Beams systems since the last review (2) Undulator tuning at the MMF here at SLAC is going well. All Undulators have been received from ANL Problems: Storage temperature, 15 need refiducialization Undulator aperture, 7 need rework, at SLAC 1 low-strength magnet block 26 Magnets tuned / 6 with feet RFI (as of 4/29) Interference found between Undulator shims and Vacuum chamber being addressed – ref. Zack Wolf’s talk
LTU stand installation 4/21/08
LTU and Dump status LTU installation is underway. Support stand and cable plant installation has begun Magnet installation in the BTH-West begins 5/20. Components are RFI with few exceptions Vacuum chambers are arriving from the vendor Dump vacuum assembly is nearing completion Spot shielding is in fabrication. Contracts are with purchasing for dump steel and dump component installation.
Undulator girder assembled at SLAC 4/15/08
Undulator status Undulator magnets are here, in tuning for modification Most of ANL deliveries are complete, or soon will be. Quads, Vac chambers and supports, Girders and supports, bellows, ion pumps, … Quad measurement underway at SLAC 7 RFI (5/5), all RFI by 6/30 Controls racks due 6/15, RFI Girder assembly is underway 1 complete, 5 partial Installation of supports waits for tunnel occupancy
Undulator status RF Beam Position Monitor Have had productions problems with developing the process attaching the vacuum windows onto the body. Now have a process which works. Developed and done at ANL (not at vendor). 5 BPMs RFI at SLAC, all BPMs at SLAC 7/31
Undulator status Beam Finder Wire Have had problems with wire position reproducibility. Solution is in hand, production at ANL is steady. 3 BFWs RFI at SLAC, all BFWs at SLAC 6/10.
Undulator girder assembly schedule Near the Project critical path = RFI We are ahead of this schedule. ANL component delivery is now sufficient to support assembly.
Controls Power Supply Racks Loaded and Tested B913 & B921 PS racks B911 & B912 PS racks
Controls status Cable plant installation for the LTU, Undulator and Dump is underway, the schedule is tight. Power supply racks are RFI. I&C racks are arriving late, crates, IOCs, in hand. Should still be possible to load and test the racks in the lab. Undulator controls racks arrive 6/15 from ANL Software is being checked out at ANL. First articles will be tested at SLAC prior to installation Safety and protection systems (PPS, MPS) are on track.
Installation Readiness Reviews Installation Readiness Reviews were held 2/26/08 for the LTU and Dump. 4/17/08 for the Undulator. Recommendations: Appoint an oversight person for Undulator integration. Jim Krebs has been appointed Review cable plant girder installation conflicts. Installation sequence has been altered to minimize impact, some delay to girder installation.
Work Planning and Control LCLS & SLAC work planning and safety approval processes are followed, which incorporate ISEMS hazard controls. The mechanical and cable installations are by contractors. LCLS Installation managers and SLAC UTRs handle oversight during the work. Technical installation is done by SLAC technicians. Trained and supervised by their home departments. All work reviewed daily at the 07:00 tailgate meeting held by the LCLS Installation managers. Turner and LCLS meet weekly for co-occupancy schedule integration.
LCLS Accelerator Readiness Review Safety Assessment Document The existing LCLS SAD and ASE (Injector and Linac) will be updated to include the LTU through the NEH. Writing has started, due date is July The SAD will need revision in 2009 for the x-ray tunnel and FEH. Accelerator Readiness Review (ARR) The ARR will be held this November for commissioning to the electron beam dump. Bob Casey of BNL to Chair Readiness Reviews for the FEE, NEH and FEH hutches will be done later.
LCLS installation and commissioning time-line First Light in FEE FEE/NEH Install First Light in FEH PPS Cert. LTU/Dump LTU/Und/Dump Install X-Rays in NEH FEH Hutch BO CD-4 (7/31/2010) PEP-II run ends FEH Install now J F M A M J J A A S O N D J F M A A M M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J 2008 2009 2010 Down PPS Linac/BC2 Commissioning Re-commission Inj/BC2 to SL2 LTU/Und Comm. NEH Operations/ Commissioning FEE Comm. April 18, 2008
e-Beam Systems performance
e-Beam Systems performance Clerical error at ANL. Will be corrected.
e-Beam Systems level 3 milestones: complete on schedule on schedule on schedule complete complete complete complete complete Now underway complete complete due 6/23 on schedule on schedule on schedule on schedule
Linac and Undulator Risks R-1.3-007 Emittance measurement upstream of BC2 Emittance measurements with Sector 28 and LTU wire scanners might not provide adequate understanding for Undulator commissioning Measuring beam with Sector 28 wire scanners now to better understand this risk. R-1.3-008 Linac stripline BPM sensitivity Old BPM electronics are slow and yield poorer resolution than the new models, and may be insufficient. New electronics installed in critical locations show much improved performance, resolution and speed.
Linac and Undulator Risks R-1.4-026 RF BPM Schedule Delayed production of the RFBPMs could delay girder assembly. Production is now on track, and an assembly work-around was developed. R-1.4-027 Undulator Component Deliveries Problems with assembly of Undulator hardware could lead to delays. Improved communication (weekly tech meetings, Undulator weeks (3)) has greatly diminished this concern.
Summary Installation has begun in the LTU. Installation in the Undulator and Dump has started. Late: area co-occupancy and D-B contract release. Component availability will not be a limiting factor. Undulator components are at SLAC awaiting installation. Parts are arriving now in sufficient quantity to support girder assembly. Girder assembly is near the Project critical path, and ahead of that schedule. Controls installation is underway, but Controls checkout is last, as always.