MLA Formatting/Works Cited LITERARY ANALYSIS RUBRIC AP. Literature and Composition 5 WEEK ASSSESSMENT Due TYPED and shared with mdbaltsas in GOOGLE DOCS by Tuesday, October 3, 2017 Name_________________________ Period___ Score____/300 A Exceeds B Meets C Nears D Needs Work Introduction Literary Analysis Conclusion Word Choice Mechanics MLA Formatting/Works Cited (go to Provides an effective introduction with an attention getter, sufficient background and a thesis statement 20 adequate introduction with an attention getter, background and a thesis statement. 18 average introduction , but may lack 1 of the following: an attention getter, background and a thesis statement 16 Inadequate introduction and lacks most of the following: attention getter, background and a thesis statement. 14 Ideas in body paragraphs effectively support thesis statement with sufficient evidence from at least 2 different texts. Analysis is sufficient 100 Ideas in body paragraphs adequately support thesis statement with sufficient evidence from at least 2 different texts. Analysis is sufficient 85 Ideas in body paragraphs may support thesis statement but there is insufficient or minimal evidence . Analysis may not be sufficient 70 Ideas in body paragraphs may support are inadequately supported with minimal, if any evidence . Analysis may not be sufficient .60 Effectively restates the thesis , summarized main ideas, revisits the opening, and contains a thought for the future. 20 Adequately restates the thesis , summarized main ideas, revisits the opening, and contains a thought for the future. 18 Average. May not restate thesis , summarize main ideas, revisit the opening, and contain a thought for the future. 16 Inadequate, minimal or incomplete 14 Excellent word choices used . Uses a variety of synonyms &related word forms 20 Adequate word choices used . Uses a variety of synonyms & related word forms 18 Average word choices used . Uses a variety of synonyms & related word forms. 16 Poor word choices used . Does not use a variety of synonyms & related word forms. 14 Minimal (1-2) errors spelling, grammar, punctuation. 20 A few errors (3-6) in spelling, grammar, punctuation. 18 Several (7-10) errors in punctuation. 16 Too many (more than 10 errors in punctuation. 14 Paper is correctly formatted and contains a bibliography of the texts used. In text citations appear correctly. 20 Paper is adequately formatted and contains an adequate bibliography of the texts used. In text citations appear correctly.18 Paper is formatted correctly, but may not contain a bibliography of the texts used. In text citations may not be used correctly. 16 Formatting is Inadequate, minimal or incomplete In text citatations do not appear. 14