SOLAR SYSTEM By: JOSH Wilson The solar system has eight planets and 1 dwarf planet. There are two types of planets: inner planets and outer planets .
OUR SUN The sun is our star. The sun is made of gas, hydrogen, and helium.
MERCURY Mercury is the size of our moon. Mercury is the closest to the sun.
VENUS Venus is the about the size of earth . Venus is the third brightest thing in the earth’s sky .
EARTH Earth is the planet that we live on. Earth is the only planet in our solar system that can support life as we know so far.
MARS Mars is referred to as the red planet. Mars is the size of half of earth.
ASTEROID BELT To the right of the asteroid belt is all the outer planets. The inner planets are left to the asteroid belt.
JUPITER Jupiter is the largest planet in our solar system Jupiter has 63 moons.
SATURN Saturn has 31 moons. Saturn translates to “Gas Giant”.
URANUS Uranus is also a gas giant like Saturn. Uranus has at least 27 moons.
NEPTUNE Neptune has 13 moons. Neptune’s atmosphere is made of hydrogen and helium.
PLUTO Pluto is what they call a dwarf planet. Pluto is the only dwarf planet in our solar system.
Comets A comet is is an object floating in the solar system. It is made of rock and ice.
Asteroids Asteroids are very different from comets. Asteroids are made of bits of rocks and metal.
Other Stars Our sun is a star. When we look up in the sky we see stars which is surprisingly close to the size of our sun!!!!
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