Reminders: Huber High Tide August 28-September 1 Notes: Please mark your calendars for Monday, August 28 : 6:00-7:30 pm- Parent Assembly Jeff Yalden, Balance & Boundaries: Parenting Today’s Youth – Free dress down pass if at least ONE parent attends! August 28- ½ day for Students- Noon dismissal-no lunches needed but pack a heavy snack Notes: Learning this week: Phonics: Review of short u sound, consonant letters qu Language Arts: Reader’s Workshop-Good Readers solve hard words by trying it two ways, checking the picture for clues, sound it out. Math: Counting on/word problems Social Studies: Forces-gravity/balance Writing: verbs/Complete sentences; letters x. z Character: Compassion Upcoming Events: August 28- ½ day of school-dismissal at noon September 4-no school September 7 – Field trip to Bright Blessing-( no chaperones needed this trip) Spelling Words: up, nut, bug, hug, hunt, just, mud, tub, jump, slug *Challenge words: friend, many, hold Lunch Location: We will eat in the cafeteria this week beginning at 11:35. It’s a good time for ice cream. High Frequency Words: full friend many good hold pull Ask your child: Find two things that show a push and two things that pull. Name three adjectives that describe your house. Reminders: -Progress Reports will be sent home on Friday, August 25. Please sign the report and return. -Please read the sticker we placed on your spelling activities page in your students’ blue folder- this will help you access spelling city to learn the spelling words each week. ©KinderAlphabet2014