School Test Coordinators Training Overview Last updated: 08/20/09
Big Picture Objectives STC Training Big Picture Objectives Understand the roles and responsibilities of school test coordinators Be able to support the DTC in training test administrators Understand state policies so that you can help build effective school procedures 2/25/2019 Free Template from
Required Assessment Options STC Training Required Assessment Options OAKS Online Multiple Opportunities are a means of limiting the impact of the “real world” on a student’s results including: Adult errors, network problems, student illness, etc. Therefore 3 opportunities for each student are not guaranteed. 2/25/2019 Free Template from
Required Assessment Options (cont) STC Training Required Assessment Options (cont) OAKS Online (cont) Reading & Mathematics: Up to 3 opportunities at grades 3 – 8, and 10 In preparation for the implementation of the new Mathematics content standards, there will be an additional set of “field test” questions. Science: 3 opportunities at grades 5, 8, and 10 Optional OAKS Online Assessment Social Sciences: 2 opportunities at grades 5, 8, and 10 Students in grades 9, 11, and 12 may also take the High School level test. 2/25/2019 Free Template from
Required Assessment Options, (cont) STC Training Required Assessment Options, (cont) OAKS Paper/Pencil, Braille, and Large Print Reading and Mathematics: 1 opportunity at grades 3 – 8, and 10 Science: 1 opportunity at grades 5, 8, and 10 Students in grades 9, 11 and 12 may also take the High School level test. 2/25/2019 Free Template from
Required Assessment Options, (cont) STC Training Required Assessment Options, (cont) OAKS Paper Writing Performance 1 opportunity at grades 4, 7, and 10 OAKS Online Writing Performance 1 opportunity at grade 10 Students in grades 9, 11 and 12 may also take the High School level test. Students in High School must not under any circumstance take more than 1 opportunity 2/25/2019 Free Template from
Required Assessment Options, (cont) STC Training Required Assessment Options, (cont) OAKS Extended Assessments Reading : 1 opportunity at grades 3 – 8, and 10 Mathematics: 1 opportunity at grades 3 – 8, and 10. In preparation for the implementation of the new content standards, there will be an additional set of “field test” questions Science: 1 opportunity at grades 5, 8, and 10 Writing: 1 opportunity at grades 4, 7, and 10 2/25/2019 Free Template from
Required Assessment Options (cont) STC Training Required Assessment Options (cont) English Language Proficiency Assessment (ELPA) 1 opportunity for the following grade bands: K – 1, 2 – 3, 4 – 5, 6 – 8, and 9 – 12 ELPA will be integrated into OAKS Online Additional Assessments (PSAT/NMSQT®, NAEP, Aprenda 3rd grade Spanish Reading) 2/25/2019 Free Template from
Free Template from STC Training Test Schedule OAKS Online MC 10/7 – 5/14 OAKS Paper/Pencil MC 3/8 – 4/9 OAKS Writing Winter 1/11 – 2/26 Spring 4/12 – 4/30 Extended Assessment 2/18 – 4/26 ELPA 1/21 – 5/7 PSAT/NMSQT 10/14 or 10/17 NAEP 1/25 – 3/5 Aprenda 3/8 – 4/9 2/25/2019 Free Template from
Free Template from STC Training Test Schedule (cont) Definition of school-imposed test window: A shortened test window set at the school level for a particular OAKS assessment. Purpose: To allow the school to appropriately allocate resources toward testing based on projected student enrollment. Must Haves: Begin no later than the start date for the statewide OAKS Paper/Pencil test window identified in the 2009-10 Test Schedule; End no later than the end date for the statewide OAKS Online test window identified in the 2009-10 Test Schedule; and Last for at least four calendar weeks for OAKS Online and two weeks for OAKS Paper/Pencil and OAKS Writing Performance Assessments. 2/25/2019 Free Template from
Free Template from STC Training Dos and Don’ts Dos STCs may set school test schedules for OAKS tests (Online, Paper/Pencil, and Writing) in collaboration with DTCs. STCs must coordinate determination of appropriate assessment options for students. STCs must coordinate secure storage, distribution, and inventory of paper test materials for the school. STCs may code students who do not test because they were not enrolled during the school test window using Administration Code 8 in student centered staging. 2/25/2019 Free Template from
Free Template from STC Training Dos and Don’ts (cont) Don’ts STCs may not set school test schedules for Extended Assessments or the ELPA. STCs may not extend the school test window once it is in progress or test students outside of that window. 2/25/2019 Free Template from
Free Template from STC Training Promising Practices To prevent students from accessing cell phones during testing, schools have developed student handbooks that contain a policy around cell phone access/use being prohibited on the school premises, during school hours, and / or during testing. Also established disciplinary policies for students who break the rule, ranging from detentions to suspension depending on the severity of the violation. To protect student confidentiality, if log-in cards are used, be sure to store them securely. Schools must take all practical steps to maintain the security of SSIDs by making sure they are not displayed publicly on items such as web sites, student body cards, or other posted documents or lists. 2/25/2019 Free Template from
Free Template from STC Training In a Nutshell The Assessment options generally are the same this year as last year ELPA will be integrated into OAKS Online Oaks Online Writing will be available to all H.S. students STCs must ensure that a student does not use OAKS Online in the content area in which a student will use a paper test. 2/25/2019 Free Template from
Free Template from STC Training In a Nutshell (cont) STCs coordinate determination of appropriate assessment options for students. STCs assist DTCs in ensuring that all test administrators receive test administration and security training. STCs ensure security of paper test materials before, during, and after testing. 2/25/2019 Free Template from
Free Template from STC Training Acorns for Storage How can an STC ensure that Test Administrators are administering the assessment consistent with state and district policies? When may a school use Administration Code 8? What must a school do before deciding to administer a paper test to a student? Why is test security so important? What is the STC’s role in closing the achievement gap? 2/25/2019 Free Template from
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