Delft University of Technology Sub task 3.1.4 A1 ADR upgrading Lab-scale EOL concrete fines recycling 18.02.2016, Orleans by: Francesco Di Maio and Somi Lotfi Delft University of Technology
ADR: Transportation from TUD laboratory
ADR: Transportation from TUD laboratory
ADR upgrading for on-site application
On-Site installation
On-Site installation
Installed ADR
Installed ADR
ADR fines recycling Concrete recycling loop
ADR fines recycling HAS set-up
ADR fines recycling The recovery percentage of each size fraction into the two products of the HAS
ADR fines recycling Input and outputs of HAS
Thank you!
HISER Consortium includes 25 partners from 9 European countries HISER Consortium includes 25 partners from 9 European countries. Project Partners represent the construction and demolition sector, including experts in software development, recycling technologies, associations, contractors and manufacturers of construction products are present in the HISER project.