Actualité et faits de société Licence 1 – Semestre 1 Introduction à la civilisation britannique
Lecture’s professor: Maud Michaud @:
What are we going to try and explain this semester? So much happened this summer across the Channel…
Aftershock of the Brexit Referendum…
Semester Calendar 12 weeks – 1 hour/week Language: where is English spoken throughout the world? Identity: who are the British? Geography and demographics: how do British people organize spatially and socially? Politics and institutions: how are British people represented and ruled over? British society: what kind of consumers are British people?
What do I do if I miss a lecture? The powerpoint slides will be available on the ENT, on UMTICE: Find a class: ACTUALITES ET FAITS DE SOCIETE CODE: NEWS
READ THE PRESS every week!
READ Books in English as often as you can!
GO TO THE CINEMA and watch films in their original language!
WATCH TV SERIES about Britain
BE CURIOUS about BRITAIN Go to UMTICE regularly read the press every week read books in English as often as you can go to the cinema and watch films in English watch British TV shows listen to British artists