Welcome to Geometry! Mrs. Blondin Rm 9-005
Assigned Seats Sit where I assign you. I want to learn your names as quickly as possible.
Information Bombardment Syllabus Classroom rules Rewards system Assignment procedures Test procedures
Grade Distribution Quarter Grades 80 % assignments, tests, quizzes, projects, extra credit 20% County quarter exam EOC Everyone: 30% of grade, affects semester averages Standard Diploma: must take EOC, don’t have to pass Scholar Diploma: must pass EOC
HELP! Tutoring Monday, Tuesday, Thursday Email www.blondin-math.com Sign up for Remind: text to 81010 Per 1 & 5: @blondingeo Per 7: @geo–per7 Per 2, 4, & 6: @blondingh
Food, Phones, and Music No phone/music player/other electronic devices Food = bugs. Thus no food in classroom. Please talk with me privately if you have medical needs. 1st time = warning; 2nd time = trash. Drinks with lids/caps are allowed.
Class Rules and Policies LHHS dress code & tardy policies are followed. #1 = warning, #2 = detention, #3 = referral Respect people and property Student to student Teacher to student Student to teacher Professional language
Other Expectations Questions? If I am teaching, ask me If working in pairs, ask your partner Don’t talk to each other while I am talking Stay in your seat when someone is addressing the class or teaching a lesson Take pride in your classroom: clean up after yourself
Classroom Tour Clock Needed materials Forget materials? Turn in bins Bathroom! Supply Store Hall passes
Rewards System
Rewards System Options for dessert treat include: Majority vote wins Brownies Rice Krispy treats Cookies: chocolate chip or snicker doodle Majority vote wins If you have food allergies, LET ME KNOW!
Assignments One assignment grade for each section: Worth 10 points 8/10 Graded on completion and RELEVANT work 2/10 Graded on correctness (1 – 2 random problems selected) NO WORK = NO CREDIT Copied work = no credit for EITHER party
Tests, Quizzes, and Projects There will be a test or quiz every week. Quizzes (on weeks without tests): 50 points Open note, not open textbook No retakes Tests (on week 4 and 7 of each quarter): 100 points No notes One retake available Projects: One project per quarter
Student Information Sheet Due on Wednesday, August 17th You fill out the front Parent/guardian fills out the back Cut off my contact info on the bottom Worth 10 points Earn a bonus ticket for turning in the completed information sheet early!