POSSIBLE Projector Subunits (Subsystems) and Their Contents Rick Landau Dell 2006/08/24
Proposal and Examples Only Suggestions based on model that we discussed last week Possible contents of the various subunits Suggestive lists, not exhaustive Long lists, need to decide later What to include in the specs What is mandatory versus optional Leave room for expansion 2
Need Formal Definitions We need to define subunits formally What are its purpose and content? How it is distinguished from other subunits? Then define data items within subunits formally Name, contents, semantics, usage What shall we call it, in SNMP and Web contexts? What does it contain? How do the agent and the user interpret its contents? How do the agent and the user manipulate it? Careful to distinguish setting versus state (Probably not precise data syntax, which sometimes depends on the access protocol) 3
Subunits of a Projector General information Localization Covers Display Signal Sources Light Source Video Quality Optics Cooling System controller Interfaces Channels Interpreters Console Audio Alerts FRUs 4
General Information Identification Status Settings Manufacturer, model, serial number Status Power state Age, unit Temperature, unit Settings Current language for console, SNMP, web server Date, time Power on/off Current values (may be here or in related groups) E.g., video connector in use, video mode, audio source, etc. 5
Localization Language, region, character set If this group is absent, assume English 6
Covers Description Status 7
Display Physical size (for display, not projector): Horizontal, Vertical, unit (Note that Horizontal, Vertical, Width, and Height will be tricky to define, given that the device may be mounted in different positions.) Resolution: W pixels, H pixels Pixel aspect ratio Color model, color depth, bits Mounting options: landscape, portrait, upside down Mounting settings: front/rear, floor/ceiling, landscape/portrait 8
Signal Sources Video Audio 9
Light Source Lamp type, technology, part number for replacement Status Multiple lamps for some DLPs Even backlighting is replaceable in LCDs Block-replaceable LEDs, too Status Age, unit, max age On/off cycles Power save mode settings Blanking, standby, off Timeouts, enable/disable No-signal image 10
Video Current source (here or in General group? Probably general) Current mode settings Lines, aspect ratio, interlace/progressive Color system Picture mode: PowerPoint, photo, video, cinema Appearance Color temperature Brightness, contrast, gamma (more than one parameter, choice of curve from set, separate curves per color) Color intensities Saturation, sharpness, tint White intensity Noise reduction Settings per source Mode H and V position, size Others Other features Picture-in-picture, picture-by-picture settings, closed captioning Scaling video mode to physical display Color space: 4-2-2, 4-4-4 11
Optics Focus level Zoom level Keystoning H and V levels Autofocus enable Zoom level Keystoning H and V levels Autokeystone enable (Again, Horizontal, Vertical, Up, Down, Left, Right need to be defined very carefully) 12
Cooling Fans Filters Temperature and other thresholds Name, location, part number for replacement, replacement cycle Status Speed setting, reading, maybe very coarse measurements, maybe thresholds Filters Name, location, part number for replacement Age, unit, replacement cycle Temperature and other thresholds 13
System controller Multiple controllers Identification Firmware versions Upgradeable? Battery backup status Timer programmed events Controller status or errors, esp. for subcontrollers 14
Interfaces (Every gezinta, including hand remote control) Enable/disable Status 15
Channels Description Enable/disable For protocols spoken on interfaces, e.g., IP parameters: addr, mask, broadcast, DNS, DHCP Wireless parameters: IP, WEP, WPA, radio USB parameters IR port parameters (The combination of interface, channel, and video mode parameters needs a very general data model, not just linear lists of settings.) 16
Interpreters Interpreter types available E.g., JPG, PDF Packetized video 17
Console Buttons Lights Physical display (e.g., LCD panel on device) Description Enable/disable functions for some buttons Lights Description, color capabilities Physical display (e.g., LCD panel on device) Contents On-screen display Localizable 18
Audio Current source Mute, volume, tone, treble, bass, theater sound Noise reduction 19
Alerts Log of previous alert conditions Asynchronous delivery Methods: traps, email 20
FRUs Part numbers, and serial numbers if available, for field-replaceable units Subunit ID Description Part number Serial number 21
Additional Questions Need a clear statements of intellectual property considerations Example: This specification includes no information on the subject of patents, trademarks, or licenses. The presence of a management object does not imply a license to implement a related feature using any particular technology. All vendors need to submit PWG "Letter of Assurance" stating intellectual property claims and non-claims. 22
Next Steps Define architectural subunits Establish a template for specification of a data item Begin to define data items, starting with easy ones Examples of MIBs contributed by vendors 23
Next Meeting Monday, Sept 11 PM (US) / Tuesday, Sept 12 AM (Asia) 24