I.I.S. Alessandro Volta, Lodi Influence of atmospheric pressure on the data acquisition with the MRPC telescopes I.I.S. Alessandro Volta, Lodi 9th EEE conference, Erice, 6-7/12/2018, study of I.I.S. A. Volta (Lodi)
A quick look at our school... Technical insitute: - informatics (evening school, too) - mechanics (evening school, too) - electrical engineering Liceo scientifico: - applied sciences course - biological course Istituto professionale: - mechanical operator (three years course) 1500 students Headmistress: Luciana Tonarelli 9th EEE conference, Erice, 6-7/12/2018, study of I.I.S. A. Volta (Lodi)
I.I.S. A. Volta in E.E.E. Project In Lodi we currently have two detectors: LODI-01 at Liceo G. Gandini and LODI-02 in our institute. By the end of this month we will start the data acquisition of LODI-03 (still in our institute). 9th EEE conference, Erice, 6-7/12/2018, study of I.I.S. A. Volta (Lodi)
LODI-02 9th EEE conference, Erice, 6-7/12/2018, study of I.I.S. A. Volta (Lodi)
Construction site of LODI-03 Summer 2018, the structure was finally delivered! 9th EEE conference, Erice, 6-7/12/2018, study of I.I.S. A. Volta (Lodi)
LODI-03 is a little lab in the lab… 9th EEE conference, Erice, 6-7/12/2018, study of I.I.S. A. Volta (Lodi)
The gas is fluxing… 9th EEE conference, Erice, 6-7/12/2018, study of I.I.S. A. Volta (Lodi)
Waiting for the last touch… 9th EEE conference, Erice, 6-7/12/2018, study of I.I.S. A. Volta (Lodi)
Next week high voltages of LODI-03 will be swichted on! Lodi EEE Center The distances between the three detectors are less than 200 meters. This feature makes the EEE center of Lodi a unique one in Italy. Next week high voltages of LODI-03 will be swichted on! 9th EEE conference, Erice, 6-7/12/2018, study of I.I.S. A. Volta (Lodi)
Atmospheric pressure and its role (Preliminary study) 9th EEE conference, Erice, 6-7/12/2018, study of I.I.S. A. Volta (Lodi)
Data analysis of Track Events rates and pressure Source of data: EEE DQM summary report, more specifically we used CSV trending files 9th EEE conference, Erice, 6-7/12/2018, study of I.I.S. A. Volta (Lodi)
The plots show an analogue descending trend Comparison between LODI-01 and LODI-02 Plot 1: LODI-01, number of data: 19172 Plot 2: LODI-02, number of data: 17126 The range of the rate’s values’s trend vs. atmospheric pressure (mbar) registered during eight days. The plots show an analogue descending trend 9th EEE conference, Erice, 6-7/12/2018, study of I.I.S. A. Volta (Lodi)
Additional data on CERN-01 and LECC-01 Plot 3: CERN-01, data number: 19166 Plot 4: LECC-01, data number: 18508 CERN-01 and LECC-01’s data decrease in similar way. 9th EEE conference, Erice, 6-7/12/2018, study of I.I.S. A. Volta (Lodi)
Trend of average rate values with varying atmospheric pressure The represented plots show the trend of the rate’s average values associated with the corresponding value of atmospheric pressure, and they present a comparable trend inclination. 9th EEE conference, Erice, 6-7/12/2018, study of I.I.S. A. Volta (Lodi)
𝑅 𝑀 𝑝 = 𝑖=1 𝑛 𝑅 𝑖 (𝑝) 𝑛 9th EEE conference, Erice, 6-7/12/2018, study of I.I.S. A. Volta (Lodi)
∆𝑅 % = 𝑅 𝑀 𝑝 − 𝑅 𝑀 𝑅 𝑀 ∙100 𝑅 𝑀 = 𝑖=1 𝑛 𝑅 𝑀 ( 𝑝 𝑖 ) 𝑛 Distribution of rate’s percentage variation (∆R%) from the average rate (RM) calculated for every value of p (mbar) 𝑅 𝑀 = 𝑖=1 𝑛 𝑅 𝑀 ( 𝑝 𝑖 ) 𝑛 ∆𝑅 % = 𝑅 𝑀 𝑝 − 𝑅 𝑀 𝑅 𝑀 ∙100 9th EEE conference, Erice, 6-7/12/2018, study of I.I.S. A. Volta (Lodi)
Distribution of rate’s percentage variation (∆R%) from the average rate (RM) calculated for every value of p (mbar) 9th EEE conference, Erice, 6-7/12/2018, study of I.I.S. A. Volta (Lodi)
Compensating the rate with the pressure’s dependence it’s possible to study its variations due to other causes. 9th EEE conference, Erice, 6-7/12/2018, study of I.I.S. A. Volta (Lodi)
9th EEE conference, Erice, 6-7/12/2018, study of I. I. S. A 9th EEE conference, Erice, 6-7/12/2018, study of I.I.S. A. Volta (Lodi)