Summer and Fall 2019 Honors Advising MY CAMPUS. MY HONORS. Summer and Fall 2019 Honors Advising
You MUST do this before priority registration.
HONORS HOLDS An Honors Office (“HO”) hold will be placed on your account before Honors advising begins. You will receive an automated email when this hold is placed. After your Honors advising session, this hold will be removed, allowing you to register when priority registration begins. Priority registration for summer and fall begins March 18.
TAKING STOCK Are you in good standing in the program? Adjusted GPA Advising Number of HLEs Have you completed all your honors requirements other than the capstone? Have you taken or are you currently taking HON 4497?
Program Changes Beginning Fall 2019 If you graduate in Spring or Summer 2019, you’ll continue under the current program. If you graduate in Fall 2019 or later, You may change to these new options OR Continue in the current program. Students starting in Fall 2019 or later will be under the new program.
Honors Research Scholar Fall 2019 Changes Overview Current Program New Options as of Fall 2019 Capstone Track Non-Capstone Track Honors Scholar 8 HLEs + Capstone (HON 4497 & 4499) Honors Research Scholar 6 HLEs Honors in the Major 3 HLEs (2 in your major) 5 HLEs (3 in your major)
Changes Starting in Summer 2019 So that we can track them in DegreeWorks, Honors Discovery is now HON 2400 (0 hours). You may take HON 2400 no more than twice. Applied Learning is now HON 2800 (0 hours) HON 4497 and 4499 may each be taken for 0 hours to reduce your cost and number of credit hours earned. We have removed the requirement that you need three hours of HON prefix courses.
OTHER HLE POSSIBILITIES Contract (any course) HON 2800: Applied Learning Internship with a Contract HON 4490 Directed Study** HON 3002 Research Assistance Experience** HON 3203 Teaching Assistance Experience** Graduate courses through KSU’s Accelerated Bachelor’s Master’s degree *Internships must be arranged in time for students to submit a proposal by the proposal deadline. **These HLEs must be set up the semester before the student plans to complete them. Research and teaching assistantships can be set up as Honors prefix courses (HON 3002 and HON 3203) or as contracts in similar courses in the major.
HONORS CAPSTONE CLASSES HON 4497 0 - 1 credit hour HON 4499 0-3 credit hours Take the courses for credit hours if you can count the hours as electives.
HON 4497 AND 4499 SECTIONS HON 4497 The section you should take is determined by the number of credit hours you’ll be earning. HON 4499
CAPSTONE PREPARATION HON 4497 Think about topic and supervisor before the semester starts. HON 4499 Begin carrying out your proposal as soon as it is approved.
HONORS LIAISON IN YOUR MAJOR In addition to having a capstone supervisor in your major and a capstone supervisor in the Honors College, you will also have an Honors Liaison in your major. The list of liaisons for each department is on the Honors website. The liaison serves as a second reader for the Honors Capstone.
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