LAMAS Working Group 19-21 June 2017 Agenda Item 2.11 Income from the main job (INCDECIL) Eurostat
Quality of INCDECIL Quality report (LAMAS, December 2012): Limited reduction of burden; aggregation at HH level and calculation of European aggregates are not possible; very limited analysis of time series; no possibility of cross-country comparisons … No results have been published in Eurostat online database June 2015, LAMAS decided to work on improving the quality of INCDECIL Eurostat
Proposal to LAMAS: Transmit income in gross terms Within 15 months (already in IESS) Last monthly pay received before the reference week (as current INCDECIL) Apply SILC definition of variable PY200G: "Gross monthly earnings for employees" Dissemination policy: Publication in bands, not in absolute values (except mean and median values) Breakdowns by personal and job characteristics Additional tables: low pay job and HH statistics Eurostat
Transmit income in gross terms EoV: Yes: 20; No: 6 MSs are free to collect the INCDECIL information in gross and/or net terms but data transmission to Eurostat will have to be in gross terms Eurostat
Last monthly pay received before the reference week EoV: Yes: 20; No: 5 No change in relation to current definition of INCDECIL Eurostat
Apply SILC definition of variable PY200G: Gross monthly earnings for employees EoV: Yes: 13; No: 4 Help bridging with SILC: same definition as in SILC (no ILO definition) Eurostat
Dissemination policy EoV: Yes: 22; No: 1 As wide support no discussion today More concrete discussion before the first set of tables is to be published Eurostat
Dissemination policy EoV: Yes: 22; No: 1 As wide support no discussion today More concrete discussion before the first set of tables is to be published Eurostat