Character and Characterization
Character The people or animals that take part in a story’s action. Characters are driven by motivation-the reason or reasons they do what they do.
Characterization The way a writer reveals a character’s personality and qualities. The writer reveals this information directly and indirectly.
Direct Characterization The writer describes the character. Examples “He was an old man. His black, heavily wrinkled face was surrounded by a halo of crinkly white hair and whiskers…” “Grandmother was a small woman in a padded silk jacket and black slacks. Her hair was pulled back into a bun behind her head.”
Indirect Characterization The writer reveals a character through speech and actions. Example “ I thought Grandmother also deserved an American-style bear hug. However, when I tried to put my arms around her and kiss her, she stiffened in surprise, ‘Nice children don’t drool on people,’ she snapped at me.”
Explaining Characterization in Literature Characterization- by VIDEO SCRIBE Explaining Characterization in Literature This video has a straightforward definition of indirect vs. direct characterization and has an example that provides an opportunity to pause and identify the differences between the two. Characterization- by VIDEO SCRIBE This video is an animated lesson on character/characterization. 5min 55 seconds Definition, Direct vs Indirect, complexity, change, conflict and details to look for to determine elements of a character.
“Ribbons” by Laurence Yep “The Treasure of Lemon Brown” by Walter Dean Myers Prentice Hall Literature